
William McCarty, comp. The American National Song Book. 1842.

The Pennsylvania Line

Tune—“Vive La”

FREEMEN! leave each lovely charmer!

Round our sacred standard join;

Haste and buckle on your armour—

Form the Pennsylvania Line!

Pennsylvania, famed in story,

Of our federal arch the key,

Calls her sons to fields of glory,

There to die, or still live free.

Arts of peace must now knock under—

Martial ardour bears the sway—

Hark! Bellona calls in thunder

To the battle march away!
Pennsylvania, &c.

Haughty Britain long assailed us,

Reckoning on our passive mood;

But at length our patience fail’d us,

Fired is now our Yankee blood!
Pennsylvania, &c.

Britain and her saucy minions,

Freemen’s wrath shall quickly know;

Freedom’s bird on sweeping pinions

Hurls her vengeance on the foe!
Pennsylvania, &c.

Shade of Wayne! from blissful regions,

Dart a glance of thy keen eye—

View thy native state’s brave legions

March to conquer or to die!
Pennsylvania, &c.

Shade of Wayne! thy matchless spirit,

Animates us to be free:—

Tars and soldiers all inherit

Thy undaunted bravery.
Pennsylvania, &c.

See our naval standard flaring

Proudly o’er the mountain wave;

Graced by Biddle, cool and daring,

And Decatur, nobly brave!
Pennsylvania, &c.

View again our war-clad freemen,

Marshall’d on the tented plains;

Prompt to aid our gallant seamen,

Break their captive brethren’s chains.
Pennsylvania, &c.

Freedom’s cause we fondly cherish,

We’ll ne’er fill ignoble graves:

We will triumph, or we’ll perish,

For Colombians can’t be slaves!
Pennsylvania, &c.

Haste then, comrades, leave each charmer!

Round our sacred standard join;

Haste! and buckle on your armour,

Form the Pennsylvania Line!
Pennsylvania, &c.