William McCarty, comp. The American National Song Book. 1842.
Decatur and the NavyL
The triumph of Freedom afar;
Our song be Decatur, and Liberty blest,
Huzza to the brave and the war.
Rejoice at the sight of the foe;
Three cheers, give the signal; each heart and each hand
Conspires to strike the first blow.
Death speedily follows the blaze,
The dead and the dying lie cover’d with gore,
While Freedom the contest surveys.
And rides in the terrible blast,
Now give to Decatur a glorious name,
That long as his country shall last.
She yields to the gallant and brave;
Success to our sailors wherever they go,
And in death, sweetest peace to their grave.
And traverse the boisterous sea,
Columbia’s glory, her honour and pride,
And Freedom’s fair bulwark shall be.
The ocean, victorious, plough:
And Liberty’s conquests, with noble Decatur,
Shall make the proud Albion bow.
Their birthright is liberty blest;
To shield it from insult, from ruin to save,
Shall long be the pride of each breast.
Decatur, and Rodgers, and Hull:
May Rodgers soon meet with the fierce roving “Plumper,”
And drub his old friend Johnny Bull.