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C.D. Warner, et al., comp. The Library of the World’s Best Literature.
An Anthology in Thirty Volumes. 1917.

Specimen of the Religious Poetry of the Modern Sects

By Indian Literature

From the Bible of the Dadu Panthis, Sixteenth Century: Translation of Wilson

HE is my God who maketh all things perfect. O foolish one, God is not far from you. He is near you. God’s power is always with you. Whatever is to be, is God’s will. What will be, will be. Therefore long not for grief or joy, because by seeking the one you may find the other. All things are sweet to them that love God. I am satisfied with this, that happiness is in proportion to devotion. O God, thou who art truth, grant me contentment, love, devotion, and faith. Sit ye with humility at the feet of God and rid yourselves of the sickness of your bodies. From the wickedness of the body there is much to fear, because all sins enter into it. Therefore let your dwelling be with the fearless, and direct yourselves toward the light of God. For there neither poison nor sword has power to destroy, and sin cannot enter.