
Edward Farr, ed. Select Poetry of the Reign of Queen Elizabeth. 1845.

On the Instabilitie of Youth

XXXII. Lord Vaux

WHEN I looke back, and in myselfe behold

The wandring waies that youth could not descry,

And marke the fearful course that youth did hold,

And mete in minde ech step youth strayed awry;

My knees I bow, and from my heart I call,

O Lord, forget these faultes and follies all.

For now I see how voide youth is of skill,

I also see his prime-time and his end;

I doo confesse my faultes and all my ill,

And sorrow sore for that I did offend;

And with a minde repentant of all crimes

Pardon I aske for youth ten thousand times.

The humble hart hath daunted the proud minde;

Eke wisdome hath giuen ignorance a fall;

And wit hath taught that folly could not finde;

And age hath youth her subiect and her thrall:

Therefore I pray, O Lord of life and trueth,

Pardon the faultes committed in my youth.

Thou, that didst graunt the wise king his request;

Thou, that in whale the prophet didst preserue;

Thou, that forgauest the woundings of thy brest;

Thou, that didst saue the theefe in state to sterue;

Thou, onely God, the giuer of all grace.

Wipe out of minde the path of youthe’s vaine race.

Thou, that to life by power didst raise the dead;

Thou, that restordst the blind to perfect sight;

Thou, that for loue thy life and loue outblead;

Thou, that of fauour madest the lame go right;

Thou, that canst heale and helpe in all assayes,

Forgiue the guilt that grew in youth’s vaine waies.

And now, since I, with faith and doubtlesse minde,

Do flie to Thee, by praier to appease thy ire;

And since that Thee I onely seeke to finde,

And hope by faith to attaine my just desire;

Lord, minde no more youth’s errour and unskill,

And able age to doo thy holy will.