
Edward Farr, ed. Select Poetry of the Reign of Queen Elizabeth. 1845.

For Whitsonday

XXVIII. Francis Kinwelmersh

COME, Holy Ghost, Eternall God,

And ease the wofull greefe,

That through the heapes of heauy sinne

Can noewhere find releefe:

Do thou, O God, redresse

The great distresse

Of sinfull heauiness.

Come, comfort the afflicted thoughtes

Of my consumed heart:

O rid the pearcing pricking paines

Of my tormenting smart.

O Holy Ghost, graunt me

That I by thee

From sinne may purged be.

Thou art my God: to thee alone

I will commend my cause:

Nor glittering golde, nor precious stone,

Shall make me leaue thy lawes.

O teach me then the way

Whereby I may

Make thee my onely stay.

My lippes, my tung, my heart, and all,

Shall spread thy mightie name:

My voice shall neuer cease to sound

The praises of the same.

Yea, euerie liuing thing

Shall sweetly sing

To thee, O heauenlie King.