Edward Farr, ed. Select Poetry of the Reign of Queen Elizabeth. 1845.
Psalme XVXVIII. William Byrd
And holy hill shall dwell?
Euen he that both in heart and minde
Dooth studie to do well.
And he that from his heart
The truth doth speak with singlenes,
All falshood set apart.
By false and ill report;
Nor friends nor neighbours harme will doe
Whereuer he resort.
And faith that neuer breakes;
But keepes alwaies, though to his losse,
The woord that once he speakes.
Nor wealth so to possesse;
Nor that for bribes the guiltlesse soule
Doth labour to oppresse.
Nothing shall him remoue,
That thus shall do, the Lord hath said;
Nor man can it disproue.