Edward Farr, ed. Select Poetry of the Reign of Queen Elizabeth. 1845.
Psalm CXVXV. John Hall, M.D.
But to thy holy name alwayse,
For thy mercy and truthe done thus,
Ascribed be all laude and prayse.
Why should they saye to us in spighte,
Where is their God, let us hym see,
In whom these Christians haue delyghte?
Are nothing but syluer and goulde:
The handes of men, both most and lest,
Haue forged them out of the moulde.
Mouthes wherewith they can speak nothing,
And eyes also whereof the trade
Is to be blynde from all seyng.
And heare nothing that one can tell;
And noses whiche are likewyse nought,
For they with them can nothyng smell.
For with their handes they handle not,
Nor with their fete they can not goe,
Nor sounde no voice out of their throte.
Doe their own works resemble just;
And they also that doe them take
For gods, or haue them in their truste.
Set all their truste and confidence;
And Aaron’s house thereto accorde;
For he is their most sure defence.
Trust in hym well, be not afrayde;
For he will surely shewe his myght
To succoure you and be your ayde.
But haue us in his mynde full well:
The righteous houses he wyll bles
Of Aaron and of Israell.
Are blessed, both the great and small:
The Lorde increase you more and more,
Both you and eke your children all.
And haue the Lorde whole in your thought,
He wyll you blesse with greate comforte,
Both heauen and earth that made of nought.
Are his, and at his holy wyll;
But the rounde earth he hath forth lente
The sonnes of mortal men untyll.
Cannot in graue express thy wayes;
Nor such as downe are in sylence
Can honor thee or giue thee prayse.
Thy prayse wyll spreade and ramifye,
And in our hearts due thankes contryve
Unto thy name eternally.