Edward Farr, ed. Select Poetry of the Reign of Queen Elizabeth. 1845.
Psalme LIVXLVI. Joseph Bryan
Preserue me by thy name;
And by thy power iudge me,
And put my foes to shame.
For I am poore and weake;
Heare, heare with acceptation
The teare-dew’d words I speake.
In pride on my poore state;
Fell tyrants haue consulted
My soule to ruynate.
Thy feare before their face,
But would haue me defaced—
Me, me, that thee embrace.
God help to me doth send,
And to my succour-giuers
Is an assisting friend.
That causeles are my foes:
O cut them off and slay them;
Thy truth is my repose.
And offrings to thee make,
And praise to thee I’ll render
For thy great mercies’ sake.
And my long teare-fraught eies
Haue seene thy plagues redoble
Vpon mine enemies.