Edward Farr, ed. Select Poetry of the Reign of Queen Elizabeth. 1845.
Psalm CXXVXLIV. Francis Davison
On God the Lord, vnmou’d shall stand,
Like Sion’s hill, which by Time’s hand
Can neuer be brought to decay.
Engirdle faire Jerusalem,
So will the Lord be vnto them
That pure and vpright doe abide.
T’ afflict the righteous, he will not
Let it be evermore their lot
To be scourg’d with th’ vngodlie’s rod;
Their owne unguiltie hands extend.
Lord, vpon them thy blessings send
That loue truth in integritie:
Leauing the straight to goe astray,
With wicked men shall goe the way,
Whose tract shall to destruction lead.
And plentie shall for euer dwell
With God’s owne chosen Israëll;
Whose joyes I pray may neuer cease.