
Edward Farr, ed. Select Poetry of the Reign of Queen Elizabeth. 1845.

For the Kingdom of God

XCIII. John Norden

THE GOD of blis,

Who faithfull is,

His sacred word doth send,

To teach vs all

On him to call,

And to his lawes attend.

His kingdom pure,

Which shall indure

For euer, doth begin

In those that know

How here below

To mortifie their sinne.

And they that will

Imbrace with skill

The way that traines to blis,

Shall quickly see

That they shall be

Reformde from things amis.

O God aboue,

Looke thou in loue

On all that long to see

Thy sauing health,

Thy heauenly wealth,

And glorious kingdom free.

Thy kingdom show

To vs below

That wander here awry;

Direct our feet;

Thy statutes sweet

To vs thy folke descry.

Oh be not slacke,

But what we lacke

With speed let vs obteine;

For thou dost feed

Such as haue need:

Thou dost no poore disdaine.