
Edward Farr, ed. Select Poetry of the Reign of Queen Elizabeth. 1845.

The Finding of Moses

X. Michael Drayton

NOW Pharaoh’s daughter Termuth young and faire,

With such choyce maydens as she fauor’d most,

Needes would abroad to take the gentle ayre,

Whilst the rich yeere his braueries seem’d to boast.

Softly she walkes downe to the sacred flood,

Through the calme shades most peaceable and quiet,

In the cool streames to check the pampred blood,

Stird with strong youth and their delicious diet.

Such as the princesse, such the day addressed,

As though prouided equally to paire her,

Either in other fortunately blessed,

She by the day, the day by her made fairer;

Both in the height and fulnesse of their pleasure,

As to them both some future good diuining,

Holding a steadie and accomplish’d measure;

This in her perfect clearnesse, that in shining

The very ayre, to emulate her meekenesse,

Stroue to be bright and peaceable as she,

That it grew iealous of that sodaine sleekenesse,

Fearing it ofter otherwise might be.

And if the fleet winde by some rigorous gale

Seem’d to be mou’d, and patiently to chide her,

It was as angry with her lawnie vaile,

That from his sight it enuiously should hide her.

And now approching to the flowrie meade,

Where the rich summer curiously had dight her,

(See this most blessed, this vnusual hap,)

Which seem’d in all her iollitie arayde,

With nature’s cost and pleasures to delight her,

She the small basket sooner should espie,

That the child wak’d, and missing of his pap,

As for her succour, instantly did cry.

Forth of the flagges she caus’d it to be taken,

Calling her maids this orphanet to see:

Much did she ioy an innocent forsaken

By her from peril priuiledgd might be.

This sweet princesse, most pittifull and milde,

Soone on her knee vnswathes it as her owne,

Found for a man so beautifull a childe,

Might for an Hebrew easily be knowne:

Noting the care in dressing it bestow’d,

Each thing that fitted gentlenesse to weare,

Iudg’d the sad parents this lost infant ow’d

Were as invulgar as their fruit was faire.

Saith she, “My minde not any way suggests

An vnchaste wombe these lineaments hath bred;

For thy faire brow apparently contests

The currant stamp of a cleane nuptial bed.”

She named it Moyses, which in time might tell

(For names doe many mysteries expound)

When it was young the chance that it befell,

How by the water strangely it was found.