Edward Farr, ed. Select Poetry of the Reign of Queen Elizabeth. 1845.
Psalme XXXLXXIX. Michael Cosowarth
A scorn to foes in my o’rwhelmed right,
But hast exalted up my head on hye,
Of thee my songe shal be, and of thy might.
Thou didst restore to ioye my sade distresse:
When at the grave my soule for entrance stayd,
From grave thou didst returne my heavinesse.
You blessed saints, do you his praises singe:
Do you the holynesse with thankes record,
Which doth belong to this our heavenly Kinge.
His frowninge wrath within a while is dead,
When then, as if he’d done me wretch a wronge,
In’s smilinge brow glad life is pictured.
Whilst th’ earth was buried with an evening’s shade;
But when the morning’s light began to smile,
My ioy did come, and all my woe did fade.
And blind prosperitye on me attended,
Now shall these ioyes, quoth I, which God hath sent,
Now shall these lastinge ioyes be never ended.
And of that goodnesse which doth dwell in thee,
As with a mountaine which can never move,
Stand fast about the moovinge state of mee.
And all with turned thoughts besteed was I;
And every thought a world of woes implyed,
Which strayned forth from me this dolefull crye:
What price is in my bloud to proffett thee?
If thou disrobe me of th’ earthe’s tyre I weare,
Can thy great praises then be songue by mee?
Which in th’ eternall house of death doth dwell,
Consum’d with wormes and ever-eatinge rust,—
O can the dust of thy great gloryes tell?
And send some mercyes, Lord, some mercyes send;
O let thy saving health betymes appeare,
And give my woes unto an happy end.
New tuns of ioye have drowned up my sadness,
And for the sacke which shrouded me so longe,
Thou hast clothed my soule with never-weering gladnes.