Edward Farr, ed. Select Poetry of the Reign of Queen Elizabeth. 1845.
Psalme XCIIII. Archbishop Parker
Bonum est confiteri.
The Lord to celebrate;
To thy good name, O God so hye,
Due laudes to modulate:
In early mornyng lyght;
Thy truth of worde to testifie
All whole by length of nyght.
Upon the pleasant lute,
On sounding, good, sweete instruments,
With shaumes, with harpe, with flute.
O Lord, thy workes to see;
And I with prayse will iust rejoyce
These handy-workes of thee.
Be these the factes of thine!
Thy thoughts be depe, thy counsayles hye,
Inscrutable, deuyne.
12The true, elect, and ryghteous man,
Shall florishe lyke the palme;
As Ceder tree in Lybanus
Hymselfe shall sprede wyth balme.
In God’s swete house to bide,
Shall florish lyke, in both the courtes
Of this our God and guyde.
Theyr fruit abundantly;
Well likying they, and fat shall be,
To bear most fruitfully.
This Lord’s true faithfulness,
Who is my strength and mighty rocke;
Who hateth unryghteousness.
Almighty God, which art the contynuall ioye and perpetuall felicitye of all thy sayntes, whom thou doost inwardly water with the dew of thy heauenly grace, whereby thou makest them to floryshe like the palme tree in the celestiall courts of thy Church: we besech thee that thou would so discusse from vs the burdenous weight of sinne, that we may enioye their felowship. Through Christ etc.