
Edward Farr, ed. Select Poetry of the Reign of Queen Elizabeth. 1845.

The Lord’s Prayer

CXVI. D. Cox

OUR Father, which in heauen art,

And makst vs al one brotherhood

To call vpon thee with one heart,

Our heauenly Father and our God;

Grant we pray not with lips alone,

But with the hart’s deepe sigh and grone.

Thy blessed name be sanctified;

Thy holy word might vs inflame

In holy life for to abide,

To magnifie thy holy name.

From all errors defend and keepe

The little flocke of thy poore sheep.

Thy kingdome come euen at this houre,

And henceforth euerlastingly;

Thine Holy Ghost into vs power

With all his giftes most plenteously.

From Sathan’s rage and filthy band

Defend vs with thy mighty hand.

Thy will be done with diligence,

Like as in heauen, in earth also:

In trouble graunt vs patience,

Thee to obey in wealth and woe:

Let not flesh, blood, or any ill,

Preuaile against thy holy will.

Giue vs this day our dayly bread,

And all other gifts of thine:

Keepe vs from war and from bloudshed,

Also from sickenes, dearth, and pine;

That we may liue in quietnes,

Without all greedy carefulnes.

Forgiue vs our offences all,

Relieue our carefull conscience;

As we forgiue both great and small,

Which vnto vs haue done offence.

Prepare vs, Lord, for to serue thee

In perfect loue and vnitie.

O Lord, into temptation

Lead vs not, when the fiend doeth rage:

To withstand his inuasion

Giue power and strength to euery age.

Arme and make strong thy feeble host

With fayth and with the Holy Ghost.

O Lord, from euill deliuer vs:

The dayes and times are dangerous:

From euerlasting death saue vs,

And in our last need comfort vs.

A blessed end to vs bequeath;

Into thy hands our soules receiue.

For thou, O Lord, art King of kings,

And thou hast power ouer all;

Thy glory shineth in all things,

In the wide world vniuersal.

Amen, let it be done, O Lord,

That we haue prayd with one accord.