S.A. Bent, comp. Familiar Short Sayings of Great Men. 1887.
[The Athenian legislator; one of the Seven Wise Men of Greece; born in Salamis about 638 B.C.; archon and lawgiver, 594; repealed the laws of Draco, established the Areopagus, opposed the ambition of Pisistratus; died about 558.]The ideal state.
At a dinner given by Periander, tyrant of Corinth, to the Seven Wise Men, including Anacharsis, the question was asked, What is the ideal state, or most perfect form of popular government? The answers given by the philosophers were as follows:—Solon: “That in which an injury done to the least of its citizens is an injury done to all.”Bias: “Where the law has no superior.”Thales: “Where the rich are neither too rich, nor the poor too poor.”Anacharsis: “Where virtue is honored, and vice detested.”Pittacus: “Where dignities are always conferred on the good, never on the bad.”Cleobulus: “Where the citizens fear blame more than punishment.”Chilo: “Where the laws are more regarded, and have more authority, than the orators.”Goethe has asked, “What government is best? That which teaches us to govern ourselves.” At another time he said, “The best government is that which makes itself superfluous.”“Good government,” says Confucius, “obtains when those who are near are made happy, and those who are far off are attracted.”Call no man happy until his death.
To Crœsus, king of Lydia. He said, on seeing the treasure of Crœsus, “If another king comes, who has better iron than you, he will be master of all this gold.”Æsop told Solon, who was chagrined at the poor reception his truths met with at the court of Crœsus, “A man should either not converse with kings at all, or say what is agreeable to them;” to which Solon replied, “Nay, he should either not do it at all, or say what is useful to them.”—PLUTARCH: Life. “Agreeable advice,” says Massillon, “is rarely useful advice.”Laws are like cobwebs, that entangle the weak, but are broken by the strong.
He that has learned to obey will know how to command.
In every thing you do, consider the end.
In Latin, respice finem.
“The end crowns all.”Troilus and Cressida, IV. 5.