
Robert Christy, comp. Proverbs, Maxims and Phrases of All Ages. 1887.


A bad padlock invites a picklock.

A fair booty makes many a thief.

All temptations are found either in hope or fear.

An open box tempts an honest man.Dutch.

An open door may tempt a saint.

At an open chest the righteous sins.French.

Flight is a triumph. (Fleeing from temptation.)Latin.

Godfrey sent the thief that stole the cash away,
And punished him that put it in his way.Pope.

He who avoids the temptation avoids the sin.Spanish.

It is difficult keeping that which is admired by many.Publius Syrus.

She is good who is close to the fire and does not burn.

Shut your door and you will make your neighbor good.Spanish, Portuguese.

It is too much to expect of the cat that she should sit by the milk and not lap it.German.

Take away the motive and you take away the sin.Don Quixote.

Temptation makes a good Christian.German.

The key at my girdle keeps me good and my neighbor too.Spanish.

The less the temptation the greater the sin.

The open door invites the thief.Dutch.

The righteous man sins before an open chest.Spanish.

When a chest lies open a reputed honest man may sin.

When Christ was alone the devil tempted him.German.

When we do ill the devil tempted us, when we do nothing we tempt him.