Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, ed. Poems of Places: An Anthology in 31 Volumes.
America: Vols. XXV–XXIX. 1876–79.
Through the Goshen Pass
By Margaret Junkin Preston (1820–1897)(Excerpt)
“And lay me where my dead are lying,
But not while skies are overspread,
And mournful wintry winds are sighing.
Carpets your mountain fastness over,—
Till chattering birds are on the wing,
And buzzing bees are in the clover.
And creeping ivy flings its graces
About the lichened rocks, and floods
Of sunshine fill the shady places.
Sweet Nature all, is glad and tender,
Then bear me through the Goshen Pass,
Amid its flush of May-day splendor.”
To the warm Earth’s drew never nearer,
And never stooped she to impart
Lessons to one who held them dearer.
His noble living for the ends
God set him (duty underlying
Each thought, word, action) naught transcends
In lustre, save his nobler dying.
All things he cherished, sweet and tender,
As through our gorgeous mountain-pass
We bear him in the May-day splendor!