Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, ed. Poems of Places: An Anthology in 31 Volumes.
Germany: Vols. XVII–XVIII. 1876–79.
The Battle of the Bards
By Robert, Lord Lytton (1831–1891)T
Broad breadths of plain, blue-veined by many a stream,
Umbrageous hills, sweet glades, and forests fair,
O’er which our good liege, Landgrave Herman, rules.
This is Thuringia: yonder, on the heights,
Is Wartburg, seat of our dear lord’s abode,
Famous through Christendom for many a feat
Of deftest knights, chief stars of chivalry,
At tourney in its courts; nor more renowned
For deeds of prowess than exploits of art,
Achieved when, vocal in its Muses’ hall,
The minstrel-knights their glorious jousts renew,
And for the laurel wage harmonious war.
On this side spreads the chase in wooded slopes
And sweet acclivities; and, all beyond,
The open flats lie fruitful to the sun
Full many a league; till, dark against the sky,
Bounding the limits of our lord’s domain,
The Hill of Hörsel rears his horrid front.