Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, ed. Poems of Places: An Anthology in 31 Volumes.
Germany: Vols. XVII–XVIII. 1876–79.
The Battle of Eylau
By Isaac McLellan (1806–1899)F
Shrilly the bleak tempests blow,
With a sound of wailing woe,
O’er the soil;
Where the watch-fires blaze around,
Thick the warriors strew the ground,
Each in weary slumber bound,
Worn with toil.
Drums are beating fierce and fast:
Fierce and fast the trumpets cast
Warning call.
Form the battle’s stern parade,
Charge the musket, draw the blade;
Square and column stand arrayed,
One and all.
Dragoon and swart cuirassier;
Hussar-lance and Cossack-spear
Clanging meet!
Now the grenadier of France
Sinks beneath the Imperial lance;
Now the Prussian horse advance,
Now retreat.
Storms their squadrons till they reel,
While his ceaseless cannon-peal
Rends the sky.
’Gainst that crush of iron hail
Naught may Russia’s ranks avail;
Like the torn leaves in the gale,
See, they fly!
Shineth Murat’s snowy plume:
Fast his cohorts to their doom
Spur the way.
Platoff, with his desert horde,
Is upon them with the sword;
Deep his Tartar-spears have gored
Their array.
Paints with blood the virgin snow:
Low in war’s red overthrow
Sleep they on!
Helm and breastplate they have lost,
Spoils that long shall be the boast
Of the savage-bearded host
Of the Don.
At Marengo quelled thy foes;
Crowning thee at Jena’s close
At this hour of deadly need
Faintly thy old guardsmen bleed;
Vain dies cuirassier and steed,
Drenched with gore.
Sad the frosty moonbeam shone
O’er the snows with corses strown,
Where the frightful shriek and groan
Rose amain:
Loud the night-wind rang their knell;
Fast the flaky horrors fell,
Hiding in their snowy cell
Heaps of slain!
O’er that harvest of the dead:
On thy rock the Chief hath sped,
St. Helene!
Still the Polish peasant shows
The round hillocks of the foes,
Where the long grass rankly grows,
Darkly green.