Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, ed. Poems of Places: An Anthology in 31 Volumes.
Germany: Vols. XVII–XVIII. 1876–79.
Rhine Wine
By Matthias Claudius (1740–1815)W
And drink it gayly dry!
Through farthest Europe, know, my worthy fellow,
For such in vain ye ’ll try.
And as for Gallia’s vine,
Saint Veil, the Ritter, if he choose, may toast it,—
We Germans love the Rhine.
And many more beside;
And many more, though little show possessing,
Well worth our love and pride.
As well the mountains show,
That harbor in their bosoms foul disorder;
Not worth their room below.
To rear a juice like wine;
But that is all; nor mirth nor song inspiring,
It breathes not of the vine.
For wine are far too cold;
Though iron ores and cobalt there are growing,
And chance some paltry gold.
O, hallowed be the Rhine!
Upon his banks are brewed the rich potations
Of this consoling wine.
Be mirth and music thine!
And when we meet a child of care and sorrow,
We ’ll send him to the Rhine.