Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, ed. Poems of Places: An Anthology in 31 Volumes.
America: Vols. XXV–XXIX. 1876–79.
By Thomas Gold Appleton (1812–1884)N
Circling the world and bounding continents;
Our shore is girdled by an Ocean Stream,
Which nearest to the Vineyard Sound indents.
Which swim in warmth of Equatorial seas,
And gladden in the gracious Summer’s smiles,—
The smallest, nearest us is Penikese.
Steeped in a languor brought them from afar,
And drowse through summer days in silent rest,
Kissed by mild waves and loved of moon and star.
Across the wave, as he withdrew his spear
From the struck bass, or heard within the brake
The tender grass torn by the feeding deer.
A better, nobler day to them succeeds:
Now Science rears her watch-tower by the shore,
Round it are scholars whom a teacher leads.
Cosmic, with forms of life which end in man;
There all the tribes their place in order find,
As if he read the thought of God’s own plan.
Oh! happy ones who read the book of life,
Till ye through him in wisdom daily grow,
To find how far above Earth’s barren strife
Is the soul’s hunger—toil divine—to know.
Plain living and high thinking, with the bond
Between them of a lofty sympathy,
Whose circlet rings this world and worlds beyond.
Hail, too, ye youth who lean on such a guide!
Long may the shrine which now glad Science rears
Shine like a load-star o’er the waters wide.