Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, ed. Poems of Places: An Anthology in 31 Volumes.
Greece and Turkey in Europe: Vol. XIX. 1876–79.
Greek Poetesses
By Antipater of Thessalonica (fl. 11 B.C.–12 A.D.)Anonymous translation
Reared Pierian cliffs among:
Anyte, as Homer strong,
Sappho, star of Lesbian song;
Erinna, famous Telesilla,
Myro fair, and fair Praxilla;
Corinna,—she, that sang of yore
The dreadful shield Minerva bore.
Myrtis sweet, and Nossis, known
For tender thought and melting tone;
Framers all of deathless pages,
Joys, that live for endless ages,—
Nine the Muses famed in heaven,
And nine to mortals earth has given.