Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, ed. Poems of Places: An Anthology in 31 Volumes.
America: Vols. XXV–XXIX. 1876–79.
By Fitz-Greene Halleck (1790–1867)A
That murmurs at their feet, a conquered wave;
’T is a rough land of earth and stone and tree,
Where breathes no castled lord or cabined slave;
Where thoughts and tongues and hands are bold and free,
And friends will find a welcome, foes a grave;
And where none kneel, save when to Heaven they pray,
Nor even then, unless in their own way.
A “fierce democracie,” where all are true
To what themselves have voted—right or wrong—
And to their laws, denominated blue
(If red, they might to Draco’s code belong);
A vestal state, which power could not subdue,
Nor promise win,—like her own eagle’s nest,
Sacred,—the San Marino of the west.
They bow to, but may turn him out next year:
They reverence their priest, but, disagreeing
In price or creed, dismiss him without fear:
They have a natural talent for foreseeing
And knowing all things; and should Park appear
From his long tour in Africa, to show
The Niger’s source, they ’d meet him with—We know.
And scorn to give aught other reason why;
Would shake hands with a king upon his throne,
And think it kindness to his majesty;
A stubborn race, fearing and flattering none.
Such are they nurtured, such they live and die:
All—but a few apostates, who are meddling
With merchandise, pounds, shillings, pence, and peddling.
Hers is not Tempe’s nor Arcadia’s spring,
Nor the long summer of Cathayan vales,
The vines, the flowers, the air, the skies, that fling
Such wild enchantment o’er Boccaccio’s tales
Of Florence and the Arno; yet the wing
Of life’s best angel, Health, is on her gales
Through sun and snow, and in the autumn time
Earth has no purer and no lovelier clime.
Her twilight hills,—her cool and starry eves,
The glorious splendor of her sunset clouds,
The rainbow beauty of her forest leaves,
Come o’er the eye, in solitude and crowds,
Where’er his web of song her poet weaves;
And his mind’s brightest vision but displays
The autumn scenery of his boyhood’s days.
Her truth, her tenderness, her gentle power;
The maiden, listening in the moonlight grove;
The mother, smiling in her infant’s bower;
Forms, features, worshipped while we breathe or move,
Be, by some spirit of your dreaming hour,
Borne, like Loretto’s chapel, through the air
To the green land I sing, then wake; you ’ll find them there.