Robert Burns (1759–1796). Poems and Songs.
The Harvard Classics. 1909–14.
540 . Inscription to Chloris
Nor thou the gift refuse,
Nor with unwilling ear attend
The moralising Muse.
Must bid the world adieu,
(A world ’gainst Peace in constant arms)
To join the Friendly Few.
Chill came the tempest’s lour;
(And ne’er Misfortune’s eastern blast
Did nip a fairer flower.)
Still much is left behind,
Still nobler wealth hast thou in store—
The comforts of the mind!
Of conscious Honour’s part;
And (dearest gift of Heaven below)
Thine Friendship’s truest heart.
With every Muse to rove:
And doubly were the Poet blest,
These joys could he improve.