Robert Burns (1759–1796). Poems and Songs.
The Harvard Classics. 1909–14.
297 . Election Ballad for Westerha’
Wad trust his Grace wi a’, Jamie;
But he’ll sair them, as he sair’d the King—
Turn tail and rin awa’, Jamie.
Up and waur them a’;
The Johnstones hae the guidin o’t,
Ye turncoat Whigs, awa’!
Or gied her faes a claw, Jamie,
Or frae puir man a blessin wan,
That day the Duke ne’er saw, Jamie.
Up and waur them, &c.
Like him there is na twa, Jamie;
There’s no a callent tents the kye,
But kens o’ Westerha’, Jamie.
Up and waur them, &c.
Lang may his whistle blaw, Jamie;
And Maxwell true, o’ sterling blue;
And we’ll be Johnstones a’, Jamie.
Up and waur them, &c.