C.D. Warner, et al., comp.
The Library of the World’s Best Literature. An Anthology in Thirty Volumes. 1917.
Heinrich von Sybel (1817–1895)
Sybel, Heinrich von (sē’bel). An eminent German historian; born in Düsseldorf, Dec. 2, 1817; died at Marburg, Aug. 1, 1895. The tone of many of his writings involved him in controversy. He wrote: ‘History of the First Crusade’ (1841); ‘The Development of German Sovereignty’ (1844); ‘History of the Revolutionary Period from 1789 to 1795’ (1853–58), which has passed through many editions and was later brought down to the year 1800; ‘The German Nation and the Empire’ (1862); ‘The Foundation of the German Empire through William I.’ (1889–94).