James Ford Rhodes (1848–1927). History of the Civil War, 1861–1865. 1917.
Page 233
us—General Meade commanded the Army of the Potomac.… The Army brightened and moved on with a more elastic step.” 1 Reynolds at once went to see Meade and assured him of his hearty support. 2 13 The President conferred upon his general full power. Meade advanced northward in his aim “to find and fight the enemy.” He had been prompt to command, his subordinates zealous to obey. The officers, sinking for the moment all their rivalries and jealousies, were careful and untiring in their efforts, while the soldiers showed extraordinary endurance in their long and rapid marches in the hot sun and sultry air of the last days of June. 14 Meade’s advance northward caused Lee to concentrate his army east of the mountains; he called Ewell back from his projected attack on Harrisburg to join the army at Cashtown or Gettysburg “as circumstances might require.” 3 In the meantime Hill and Longstreet had been ordered to Cashtown, which was eight miles west of Gettysburg. Both Lee and Meade hoped and expected to fight a defensive battle and their manœuvres were directed to this end. 15 The circumstances that led to a collision at Gettysburg on July 1 between a number of the Confederates and Reynolds commanding the left wing need not be detailed. Reynolds was killed and afterwards his troops met with a serious reverse. When Meade heard of his death, which was for him as great a disaster as the loss of Stonewall Jackson had been to Lee, he sent forward to take command, Hancock, who restored order out of the existing confusion. Nevertheless, the first day of the Battle of Gettysburg was a decided Confederate success. 16 By six o’clock on the afternoon of July 1, Meade hadNote 1. Frank Haskell, 3, 6, 8. [back] |
Note 2. General Meade, II, 33. [back] |
Note 3. O. R., XXVII, Pt. II, 317. [back] |