Grocott & Ward, comps. Grocott’s Familiar Quotations, 6th ed. 189-?.
Indian Summer
The year’s last, loveliest smile.
John Howard Bryant.—The Indian Summer.
The Indian Summer, the dead Summer’s soul.
Mary Clemmer.—Presence.
The beautiful season,
…….the Summer of All-Saints!
Filled was the air with a dreamy and magical light; and the landscape
Lay as if new created in all the freshness of childhood.
Peace seemed to reign upon earth, and the restless heart of the ocean
Was for a moment consoled. All sounds were in harmony blended.
…….and the great sun
Looked with the eye of love through the golden vapors around him;
While arrayed in its robes of russet and scarlet and yellow,
Bright with the sheen of the dew, each glittering tree of the forest
Flashed like the palm-tree the Persian adorned with mantles and jewels.
Longfellow.—Evangeline, Part I., ii. Line 11.