Grocott & Ward, comps. Grocott’s Familiar Quotations, 6th ed. 189-?.
Take heed lest passion sway
Thy judgment to do aught which else free-will
Would not admit.
Milton.—Paradise Lost, Book VIII. Line 635.
I argue not
Against Heaven’s hand or will, nor bate a jot
Of heart or hope; but still bear up and steer
Right onward.
Milton.—Sonnet XXII.
Were man
But constant, he were perfect.
Shakespeare.—Two Gentlemen of Verona, Act V. Scene 4. (Proteus.)
And let men so conduct themselves in life
As to be always strangers to defeat.
Yonge’s Cicero.—A precept of Atreus, Tusculan Disp. Book V. Div. 18.
When once our grace we have forgot,
Nothing goes right; we would, and we would not.
Shakespeare.—Measure for Measure, Act IV. Scene 4. (Angelo repentant.)
But by bad courses may be understood,
That their events can never fall out good.
Shakespeare.—King Richard II., Act II. Scene 1. (York to the King.)
Circles are prais’d, not that abound
In largeness, but th’ exactly round:
So life we praise, that does excel,
Not in much time, but acting well.
Waller.—Long and Short Life. Epigrams.