James and Mary Ford, eds. Every Day in the Year. 1902.
July 11First News from Villafranca
By Elizabeth Barrett Browning (1806–1861)What!—with the enemy’s guns in our ears?
With the country’s wrong not rendered back?
What!—while Austria stands at bay
In Mantua, and our Venice bears
The cursed flag of the yellow and black?
And this is the Mincio? Where’s the fleet,
And where’s the sea? Are we all blind
Or mad with the blood shed yesterday,
Ignoring Italy under our feet,
And seeing things before, behind?
What!—uncontested, undenied?
Because we triumph, we succumb?
A pair of Emperors stand in the way,
(One of whom is a man, beside)
To sign and seal our cannons dumb?
At Paris, and at Milan spake,
And at Solferino led the fight:
Not he we trusted, honored, used
Our hopes and hearts for … till they break—
Even so, you tell us … in his sight.
We say you lie then!—that is plain.
There is no peace, and shall be none.
Our very dead would cry ‘Absurd!’
And clamor that they died in vain,
And whine to come back to the sun.
They’ve done the most for Italy
Evermore since the earth was fair.
Now would that we had died instead,
Still dreaming peace meant liberty,
And did not, could not mean despair.
But such a peace as the ear can achieve
’Twixt the rifle’s click and the rush of the ball,
’Twixt the tiger’s spring and the crunch of the tooth,
’Twixt the dying atheist’s negative
And God’s Face—waiting, after all!