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Henry Craik, ed. English Prose. 1916.
Vol. I. Fourteenth to Sixteenth Century

An Exhortation

William Penn (1644–1718)

From No Cross, No Crown

O CHRISTENDOM! my soul most fervently prays that, after all thy lofty professions of Christ and His meek and holy religion, thy unsuitable and un-Christlike life may not cast thee at that great assize of the world, and lose thee so great salvation at last. Hear me once, I beseech thee. Can Christ be thy Lord, and thou not obey Him? Or, can thou be His servant and never serve Him? Be not deceived, such as thou sowest thou shalt reap: He is none of thy Saviour, whilst thou rejectest His grace in thy heart, by which He should save thee. Come, what has He saved thee from! Has He saved thee from thy sinful lusts, thy worldly affections and vain conversations? If not, then He is none of thy Saviour. For though He be offered a Saviour to all, yet He is actually a Saviour to those only that are saved by Him; and none are saved by Him that live in those evils by which they are lost from God, and which He came to save them from.

It is sin that Christ is come to save man from, and death and wrath, as the wages of it: but those that are not saved, that is, delivered, by the power of Christ in their souls, from the power that sin has over them, can never be saved from the death and wrath that are the assured wages of the sin they live in.

So that look, how far people obtain victory over those evil dispositions and fleshly lusts they have been addicted to, so far they are truly saved, and are witnesses of the redemption that comes by Jesus Christ. His name shows this work. And lo! (said John of Christ) the Lamb of God that takes away the sins of the world! that is, behold Him whom God hath given to enlighten people, and for salvation to as many as receive Him, and His light and grace in their hearts, and take up their daily cross and follow him; such as rather deny themselves the pleasure of fulfilling their lusts, than sin against the knowledge He has given them of His will, or do that they know they ought not to do.