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Henry Craik, ed. English Prose. 1916.
Vol. I. Fourteenth to Sixteenth Century

An Appeal

George Fox (1624–1691)

From the Journal

SOUND, sound abroad, you faithful servants of the Lord, and witnesses in his name, and faithful servants and prophets of the Highest, and angels of the Lord! Sound ye all abroad in the world, to the awakening and raising of the dead, that they may be awakened and raised up out of the grave, to hear the voice that is living. For the dead have long heard the dead, and the blind have long wandered among the blind, and the deaf amongst the deaf; therefore sound, sound, ye servants and prophets, and angels of the Lord, ye trumpets of the Lord, that you may awaken the dead, and awaken them that be asleep in their graves of sin, death and hell, and sepulchres, and sea, and earth, and who lie in the tombs. Sound, sound abroad, ye trumpets, and raise up the dead, that the dead may hear the voice of the Son of God, the voice of the second Adam, that never fell; the voice of the light, and the voice of the life; the voice of the power, and the voice of the truth; the voice of the righteous, and the voice of the just. Sound, sound the pleasant and melodious sound! Sound, sound, ye the trumpets, the melodious sound abroad, that all the deaf ears may be opened to hear the pleasant sound of the trumpet to judgment and life, to condemnation and light. Sound, sound your trumpets all abroad, you angels of the Lord, sons and daughters, prophets of the highest, that all that are dead and asleep in the graves, and been long dreaming and slumbering, may be awakened, and hear the voice of the Lamb, who have long heard the voice of the beast; that now they may hear the voice of the Bridegroom, now they may hear the voice of the Bride, now they may hear the voice of the great Prophet, now they may hear the voice of the great King, now they may hear the voice of the great Shepherd, and the great Bishop of their souls. Sound, sound it all abroad, ye trumpets, among the dead in Adam, for Christ is come, the second Adam, that they might have life, yea have it abundantly. Awaken the dead, awaken the slumberers, awaken the dreamers, awaken them that be asleep, awaken them out of their graves, out of their tombs, out of their sepulchres, out of the seas! Sound, sound abroad you trumpets! you trumpets that awaken the dead, that they may all hear the sound of it in the graves, and they that hear may live, and come to the life that is the Son of God; He is risen from the dead, the grave could not hold nor contain Him, neither could all the watchers of the earth, with all their guards, keep Him therein. Sound, sound, ye trumpets of the Lord, to all the seekers of the living among the dead, that He is risen from the dead; to all the seekers of the living among the dead, and in the graves that the watchers keep, He is not in the grave, but He is risen; and there is that under the grave of the watchers of the outward grave, which must be awakened and come to hear His voice, which is risen from the dead, that they might come to live. Therefore sound abroad, you trumpets of the Lord, that the grave might give up her dead, and hell and the sea might give up their dead; and all might come forth to judgment, to the judgment of the Lord before his throne, and to have their sentence and reward according to their works.

And sound, sound, all ye angels and faithful servants of the Most High, you trumpets of the Lord, amongst all the night watchers and watchers of the graves, sepulchres, and tombs, and overseers of those watchers of the seas, graves, and sepulchres, sound the trumpet amongst them and over them all; make the sound to be heard, that the dead may arise at the sound of the trumpet, that they may come out of their graves, and live and praise the Lord; that all the dead in the seas, and all the dead in the tombs and sepulchres may hear the sound of the trumpet, and come to judgment, and come to hear the voice of the Son of God and live, in whom there is life.

Away with all the chaff and the husks, and contentions and strife, that the swine feed upon in the mire and in the fall; and the keepers of them of Adam and Eve’s house in the fall, that lies in the mire, out of light and life.