Seccombe and Arber, comps. Elizabethan Sonnets. 1904.
The Tears of FancieSonnet XXXIX. Here end my sorrow, no here my sorrow springeth
Thomas Watson (15551592)H
Here end my woe, no here begins my wailing:
Here cease my griefe, no here my griefe deepe wringeth
Sorrow, woe, griefe, nor ought else is auailing.
Here cease my teares, no here begins eies weeping,
Here end my plaints, no here begins my pining:
Here hart be free, no sighes in hart still keeping,
Teares, plaints, and sighes, all cause of ioyes declining.
Here end my loue, no here doth loue inspire me,
Here end my life, no let not death desire me,
Loue, hope, and life, and all with me must perish.
For sorrow, woe, griefe, teares, and plaints oft plained,
Sighes, loue, hope, life, and I, must die disdained.