Seccombe and Arber, comps. Elizabethan Sonnets. 1904.
The Tears of FancieSonnet XXXIV. Why liue I wretch and see my ioyes decay
Thomas Watson (15551592)W
VVhy liue I and no hope of loues aduancing:
VVhy doe myne eies behold the sunnie day,
VVhy liue I wretch in hope of better chancing.
O wherefore tells my toung this dolefull tale,
That euery eare may heare my bitter plaint:
VVas neuer hart that yet bemond my bale,
VVhy liue I wretch my pangs in vaine to paint.
VVhy striue I gainst the streame or gainst the hill,
VVhy are my sorrowes buried in the dust:
VVhy doe I toile and loose my labour still,
VVhy doe I feede on hope or bild on trust.
Since hope had neuer hap and trust finds treason,
VVhy liue I wretch disdainde and see no reason?