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Edmund Clarence Stedman, ed. (1833–1908). An American Anthology, 1787–1900. 1900.

By Louis JamesBlock

1150 Work

AH, blessedness of work! the aimless mind,

Left to pursue at will its fancies wild,

Returns at length, like some play-wearied child,

Unto its labor’s knee, and leaves behind

Its little games, and learns to soothe its blind

Wide longings in the sweet tranquillity

Of limited tasks, whose mild successions wind

In pauseless waves unto the distant sea;

For blank infinity is cold as ice,

And drear the void of space unsown with stars,

And dolorous the barren line of shore;

Therefore it was with lover-like device

This lower world was built, through whose cleft bars

The limitless sun of Truth shines more and more.