Edmund Clarence Stedman, ed. (1833–1908). A Victorian Anthology, 1837–1895. 1895.
William Makepeace Thackeray 181163The Age of Wisdom
That never has known the barber’s shear,
All your wish is woman to win;
This is the way that boys begin:
Wait till you come to forty year.
Billing and cooing is all your cheer—
Sighing, and singing of midnight strains,
Under Bonnybell’s window panes:
Wait till you come to forty year.
Grizzling hair the brain doth clear;
Then you know a boy is an ass,
Then you know the worth of a lass,
Once you have come to forty year.
All good fellows whose beards are gray,
Did not the fairest of the fair
Common grow and wearisome ere
Ever a month was pass’d away?
The brightest eyes that ever have shone,
May pray and whisper and we not list,
Or look away and never be miss’d,
Ere yet ever a month is gone.
How I loved her twenty years syne!
Marian ’s married; but I sit here,
Alone and merry at forty year,
Dipping my nose in the Gascon wine.