Edmund Clarence Stedman, ed. (1833–1908). A Victorian Anthology, 1837–1895. 1895.
William John Courthope b. 1842From “The Paradise of Birds.” III. In Praise of Gilbert White
A bird to live with human heart,
I pray that bird have choice to dwell
From human ills apart.
And watch’d affairs in every nation,
They found for ever, south and north,
Vanity and Vexation.
There Trade and Penury roar and weep:
But ’neath the silence of a down
Disturb’d by grazing sheep.
Far from State-party, plot, and treason,
Nor feel the flow of Fortuue’s tide,
Beyond the change of season.
Without a rival to unthrone;
Nor seek to pain another’s heart,
Since he may please his own.
The flowers his weather shall portend,
The birds his moralists shall be,
And everything his friend.
He mov’d my heart with fresh delight;
And had I not the swallow been,
I had been Gilbert White.