Theodore Roosevelt (1858–1919). A Book-Lover’s Holidays in the Open. 1916.
Appendix B
On the initiative of the Audubon Society the National Government, when I was President, began the work of creating and policing bird refuges by establishing the following refuges:
March 14, 1903. Pelican Island Reservation. Pelican Island in Indian River, Florida.October 4, 1904. Breton Island Reservation. Breton, Old Harbor, and Free Mason Islands, Louisiana.March 9, 1905. Stump Lake Reservation. Stump Lake in North Dakota.October 10, 1905. Siskiwit Islands Reservation. Unsurveyed islands of the Siskiwit group on the south side of Isle Royal in Lake Superior, Michigan.October 10, 1905. Huron Islands Reservation. Unsurveyed islands of the Huron Islands group, Lake Superior, Michigan.October 10, 1905. Passage Key Reservation. An island near the mouth of Tampa Bay, Florida.February 10, 1906. Indian Key Reservation. An island in Tampa Bay, Florida.August 8, 1907. Tern Islands Reservation. All the small islets commonly called mud lumps in or near the mouths of the Mississippi River, Louisiana.August 17, 1907. Shell Keys Reservation. Unsurveyed islets in the Gulf of Mexico about three and one-half miles south of Marsh Island, Louisiana.October 14, 1907. Three Arch Rocks Reservation. Unsurveyed islands known as Three Arch Rocks in the Pacific Ocean off the coast of Oregon.October 23, 1907. Flattery Rocks Reservation. Is lands lying off the coast of Washington.October 23, 1907. Copalis Rock Reservation. Islands lying off the coast of the State of Washington in the Pacific Ocean.October 23, 1907. Quillayute Needles Reservation. Islands lying off the coast of Washington in the Pacific Ocean.December 7, 1907. East Timbalier Island Reservation. Small, marshy islands commonly known as East Timbalier Island in the Gulf of Mexico, south of Louisiana.February 24, 1908. Mosquito Inlet Reservation. Small mangrove and salt-grass islets, shoals, sand-bars, and sand-spits in and near the mouths of the Halifax and Hillsboro Rivers, Florida.April 6, 1908. Tortugas Keys Reservation. Group known as Dry Tortugas in the Gulf of Mexico, south of Florida.August 8, 1908. Key West Reservation. Keys and islands of the Florida Keys group near Key West, Florida.August 8, 1908. Klamath Lake Reservation. Islands situated in Lower Klamath Lake and the marsh and swamp lands unsuitable for agricultural purposes in townships thirty-nine, forty, and forty-one south, Oregon, and in townships forty-seven and forty-eight north, California.August 18, 1908. Lake Malheur Reservation. Shore lines of Lakes Malheur and Harney and the streams and waters connecting these lakes, Oregon.August 28, 1908. Chase Lake Reservation. Public lands about Chase Lake, North Dakota.September 15, 1908. Pine Island Reservation. Bird Island and Middle Island in Pine Island Sound on the west coast of Florida.September 26, 1908. Matlacha Pass Reservation. Three small islands located in Matlacha Pass, west coast of Florida.September 26, 1908. Palma Sola Reservation. Small, unsurveyed island in Palma Bay, Florida.October 23, 1908. Island Bay Reservation. Unsurveyed mangrove and other islands in township forty-two south, west coast of Florida.October 26, 1908. Loch-Katrine Reservation. Lands about reservoir site in Oregon Basin, Wyoming.January 26, 1909. Pelican Island Reservation. Enlarged to include several other adjacent islands.February 3, 1909. Hawaiian Islands Reservation. Islets and reefs situated in the Pacific Ocean, near the western extension of the Hawaiian archipelago.February 25, 1909. Salt River Reservation. Parts of townships four and five north, Gila and Salt River Meridian, Arizona.February 25, 1909. East Park Reservation. Parts of townships seventeen and eighteen north in California.February 25, 1909. Deer Flat Reservation. Embracing parts of townships two and three, Boise Meridian, Idaho.February 25, 1909. Willow Creek Reservation. Embracing part of township twenty-one, Montana Meridian, Montana.February 25, 1909. Carlsbad Reservation. Embracing two reservoir sites along Pecos River in townships eighteen, nineteen, twenty, and twenty-one south, New Mexico.February 25, 1909. Rio Grande Reservation. Embracing parts of townships seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven, twelve, and thirteen south, Principal Meridian, New Mexico.February 25, 1909. Cold Springs Reservation. Embracing parts of townships four and five north, Willamette Meridian, Oregon.February 25, 1909. Belle Fourche Reservation. Embracing parts of townships eight, nine, and ten north, Black Hills Meridian, South Dakota.February 25, 1909. Strawberry Valley Reservation. Embracing parts of townships three and four south, Uinta Meridian, Utah.February 25, 1909. Keechelus Reservation. Embracing parts of townships twenty-one and twenty-two north, Willamette Meridian, Washington.February 25, 1909. Kachess Reservation. Embracing Kachess Lakes reservoir site, Washington.February 25, 1909. Clealum Reservation. Embracing parts of townships twenty, twenty-one, and twenty-two north, Willamette Meridian, Washington.February 25, 1909. Bumping Lake Reservation. Embracing the Bumping Lake reservoir site, Washington.February 25, 1909. Conconully Reservation. Embracing part of township thirty-five north, Willamette Meridian, Washington.February 25, 1909. Pathfinder Reservation. Embracing parts of townships twenty-six, twenty-seven, twenty-eight, twenty-nine, and thirty north, Wyoming.February 25, 1909. Shoshone Reservation. Embracing part of township fifty-two north, Wyoming.February 25, 1909. Minidoka Reservation. Embracing parts of townships eight and nine south, Boise Meridian, Idaho.February 27, 1909. Tuxedni Reservation. Embracing Chisik Island and Egg Island entrance to Tuxedni Harbor in Cook Inlet, Alaska.February 27, 1909. Saint Lazaria Reservation. Embracing the Island of Saint Lazaria, entrance to Sitka Sound, Alaska.February 27, 1909. Yukon Delta Reservation. Embracing all the treeless tundra of the delta of the Yukon River west of longitude one hundred and sixty-two degrees and twenty minutes west from Greenwich and south of the Yukon River, Alaska.February 27, 1909. Culebra Reservation. Embracing the islands of the Culebra group, Porto Rico, excepting Culebra Island, which is a naval and lighthouse reservation.February 27, 1909. Farallon Reservation. Embracing the middle and north Farallon Islands and other rocks northwest of the same, located on the coast of California near San Francisco.February 27, 1909. Behring Sea Reservation. Embracing Saint Matthew Island, Hall Island, and Pinnacle Islet, approximately in latitude sixty degrees and thirty minutes north, longitude one hundred and seventy-two degrees and thirty minutes west, in Behring Sea, Alaska.February 27, 1909. Pribilof Reservation. Embracing Walrus Island and Otter Island of the Pribilof group, in Behring Sea, Alaska.March 2, 1909. Bogoslof Reservation. Embracing volcanic islands commonly known as the Bogoslof group, approximately in latitude fifty-three degrees and fifty-eight minutes north, longitude one hundred and sixty-seven degrees and fifty-three minutes west from Greenwich, Behring Sea, Alaska.Since then these have been added:
April 11, 1911. Clear Lake Reservation. Embracing the Clear Lake reservoir site, California. Modified by executive order of January 13, 1912, by eliminating, for administrative purposes, three hundred and twenty acres surrounding the Reclamation dam.January 11, 1912. Hazy Islands Reservation. Embracing Hazy Island group, approximately in latitude fifty-five degrees and fifty-four minutes north, longitude one hundred and thirty-four degrees and thirty-six minutes west from Greenwich, Alaska.January 11, 1912. Forrester Island Reservation. Embracing Forrester Island and Wolf Rock, approximately in latitude fifty-four degrees and forty-eight minutes north, longitude one hundred and thirty-three degrees and thirty-two minutes west from Greenwich, Alaska.January 11, 1912. Niobrara Reservation. Embracing parts of townships thirty-three and thirty-four north, ranges twenty-six and twenty-seven west, Sixth Principal Meridian, Nebraska, the same being a part of the abandoned Fort Niobrara Military Reservation. This reservation was enlarged by executive order of November 14, 1912, adding approximately nine hundred acres, which included the building and old parade-grounds of the military reservation.February 21, 1912. Green Bay Reservation. Embraces Hog Island at the entrance to Green Bay, within township thirty-three north, range thirty east, of the Fourth Principal Meridian, Wisconsin.December 7, 1912. Chamisso Island Reservation. Embraces Chamisso Island and Puffin and other rocky islets in its vicinity, approximately in latitude sixty-six degrees and thirteen minutes north, longitude one hundred and sixty-one degrees and fifty-two minutes west from Greenwich, at the eastern end of Kotzebue Sound, Alaska.December 17, 1912. Pishkin Reservation. Embraces Pishkin reservoir site in townships twenty-two and twenty-three north, range seven west, Montana Principal Meridian, Montana.December 19, 1912. Desecheo Island Reservation. Embraces Desecheo Island in Mona Passage, Porto Rico, but is subject to naval and lighthouse purposes.January 9, 1913. Gravel Island Reservation. Embraces Gravel Island and Spider Island, approximately in latitude forty-five degrees and fifteen minutes north, longitude eighty-six degrees and fifty-eight minutes west from Greenwich, in Lake Michigan, Wisconsin.March 3, 1913. Aleutian Islands Reservation. Embraces all of the islands of the Aleutian chain, Alaska, including Unimak and Sannak Islands on the east and Otter Island on the west, reserved for preserve and breeding-ground for native birds, and in addition thereto for the propagation of reindeer and fur-bearing animals and encouragement and development of the fisheries.April 21, 1913. Walker Lake Reservation. Embraces 9.68 acres of land in section one, township fifteen north, range twelve east, and five acres in township sixteen north, range twelve east, of the Fifth Principal Meridian, Arkansas.May 6, 1913. Petit Bois Island Reservation. Embraces all of the public land upon Petit Bois Island located in the Gulf of Mexico about ten miles off the coast of Alabama and Mississippi, in townships nine and ten south, ranges three and four west of Saint Stephens Meridian.September 4, 1913. Anaho Island Reservation. Embraces Anaho Island in Pyramid Lake, Nevada.June 6, 1914. Smith Island Reservation. Embraces Smith and Minor Islands, situated in the Straits of Juan de Fuca, about fourteen miles north by west from Port Townsend, Washington.January 20, 1915. Ediz Hook Reservation. Embraces an arm of land extending into the Straits of Juan de Fuca, in township thirty-one north, range six west of Willamette Meridian, Washington.January 20, 1915. Dungeness Spit Reservation. Embraces an arm of land extending into the Straits of Juan de Fuca, in township thirty-one north, ranges three and four west of Willamette Meridian, Washington.By executive order of March 19, 1913, the protection of native birds within the Panama Canal Zone was established, the jurisdiction over same to lie with the Isthmian Canal Commission and its successor, the governor of the Canal Zone, and on January 27, 1914, an amendatory executive order was issued prohibiting night hunting, the use of spring-guns and traps, etc., with additional penalties therefor.