
Should Women Be Judged On What's A Good Thing?

Decent Essays

The fact that women at this day in age get judged on what they do or eat is a good thing because that baby deserves to be happy and live healthy. Its not easy to be as healthy as possible the whole pregnancy and the three trimesters but women cant do things to harm or hurt their baby (fetus). If you arent pregnant yet consider the thing you do before,during,and after a pregnancy." The pregnancy is important. health of a women during. The health of the women is secondary to the health of the baby. “The U.S Department of Health and Human services recommends at least 150 minutes (thats 2 hours and 3 minutes) of moderate- intensity aerobic activity each week if youre not already highly active or doing vigorous intensity activity.” Doctor say if you get enough exercise then most likely your gonna give birth to a healthy baby (not overweight). Most women 19 and older including …show more content…

“Illegal drugs use with narcotics such as cocaine or methamphetamine can restirct the growth of the fetus, causing low birth weight. Even some prescription medications, such as antiseizure and anticoagulant drugs can cause malformation or mental retardation in a baby (fetus)”. Drugs to the little fetus can harm them and possibly kill them. Moms need to be caution of what they are going and using. The fact a women would even think about using drugs during their pregnancy is just plain wrong to alot of poeple it could be a good thing and to other its could be a bad thing. It depends on persons opinion. Not everyone is going to have to same opinion as eachother.

The fact that women are judged should have its ups and downs. Women need to be healthy to have a baby. Even before, during and after they should be healthy. But then again thats their choice on what they do to their baby and themselves. The baby has so say but can hold it against her. Women should be healthy to have a

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