
Gross Negligence Manslaughter And Homicide Manslaughter

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Gross Negligence Manslaughter is a form of involuntary manslaughter in which in which the persons charged has caused a death without the mens rea of murder. Involuntary manslaughter being unintentional killings due to recklessness, criminal negligence or an unlawful act that is a misdemeanour or low level felony. Gross negligence manslaughter is categorised as not committing an unlawful act but a defendant committing a lawful act in a manor that is considered criminal. Gross negligence manslaughter can also be committed through not doing something as to result in death. Gross negligence manslaughter was initially set out in R v. Bateman (1925) in which a doctor was convicted of manslaughter due to his treatment of a woman during childbirth. The term gross negligence manslaughter was then more so interpreted that in order to ascertain criminal liability, the jury must agree that the level of negligence of the accused is beyond compensation alone and that it is criminal to act so thoughtlessly towards the life and well-being of others. This interpretation was deemed inadequate and later updated to a then considered better interpretation and a large area of gross negligence manslaughter was replaced with reckless manslaughter. This interpretation was again contested due to the R v. Seymour (1983) case when the defendant intended to push their girlfriends car with a lorry, which subsequently resulted in accidental death of the girlfriend. The judge directed that the jury

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