
Usps Case Study Essay

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The U.S. Postal Service Case Study
1. Why is it important for the U.S. Postal Service (USPS) to have a high volume of mail to process?
It’s important for USPS to have a high volume of mail to process because USPS is the largest postal service in the world handling about 41% of the world’s mail volume. The second largest is Japan and they only handled 6% of the world’s mail volume, which is a way of showing how important and huge is USPS as a company and that shows the importance of being able to handle and process high volume of mail.
2. What caused productivity to increase?
With the increasing volume of mail USPS looked for ways to improve productivity and the main two key factors were an increase use of automation and the …show more content…

USPS created Customer Advisory Councils, which were a group of citizens who volunteered to work with the local postal management of issues that were related to the community. USPS reduced bureaucracy and overhead. They eliminated layers of management and overhead positions were cut by about 30000. “Five regions and 73 field divisions were replaced by 10 areas each with a manager for customer services and a manager for processing and distribution” (
Stevenson, 1997). The 10 areas also counted with marketing and a sales office, allowing managers to be focused, improving communications and allowing employees to meet customer’s needs. Some other changes including expanding retail hours, developing a more user friendly domestic mail manual, they simplify their complex rate structure and they also awarded contracts to measure satisfaction level of business mailers and service performance of third class mail.
5. What results were achieved by the USPS’s changes?
The results were very positive, their whole reorganization not only allowed them to eliminate some programs, but to cut costs. They also were able to attracted new business and to my point of view more importantly they were able to reduce their projected deficit.
6. What effect does the increased use of e-mail have on postal productivity?
While the email might be view as a way of affecting USPS mail volume and a competitor and think that it also implies higher productivity

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