The U.S. Postal Service Case Study
1. Why is it important for the U.S. Postal Service (USPS) to have a high volume of mail to process?
It’s important for USPS to have a high volume of mail to process because USPS is the largest postal service in the world handling about 41% of the world’s mail volume. The second largest is Japan and they only handled 6% of the world’s mail volume, which is a way of showing how important and huge is USPS as a company and that shows the importance of being able to handle and process high volume of mail.
2. What caused productivity to increase?
With the increasing volume of mail USPS looked for ways to improve productivity and the main two key factors were an increase use of automation and the
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USPS created Customer Advisory Councils, which were a group of citizens who volunteered to work with the local postal management of issues that were related to the community. USPS reduced bureaucracy and overhead. They eliminated layers of management and overhead positions were cut by about 30000. “Five regions and 73 field divisions were replaced by 10 areas each with a manager for customer services and a manager for processing and distribution” (
Stevenson, 1997). The 10 areas also counted with marketing and a sales office, allowing managers to be focused, improving communications and allowing employees to meet customer’s needs. Some other changes including expanding retail hours, developing a more user friendly domestic mail manual, they simplify their complex rate structure and they also awarded contracts to measure satisfaction level of business mailers and service performance of third class mail.
5. What results were achieved by the USPS’s changes?
The results were very positive, their whole reorganization not only allowed them to eliminate some programs, but to cut costs. They also were able to attracted new business and to my point of view more importantly they were able to reduce their projected deficit.
6. What effect does the increased use of e-mail have on postal productivity?
While the email might be view as a way of affecting USPS mail volume and a competitor and think that it also implies higher productivity
In July 2009, the Government Accountability Office (GAO) listed the budget of the United States Postal Service as “high risk” and recommended oversight from Congress and the Executive Branch. Specifically, the GAO stated that “Amid challenging economic conditions and a changing business environment, USPS is facing a deteriorating financial situation in which it does not expect to cover its expenses and financial obligations in fiscal years 2009 and 2010” (“Restructuring”, 2009, pg. 1). The GAO claimed that the mail volume in 2009 would likely decrease by about 28 billion as compared to 2008 and that the USPS would likely see declining volumes for the next five years (“Restructuring”, 2009, pg. 1). Clearly, the USPS is currently facing a
According to a Case Study-United States Postal Service (Jan 06, 2010), retrieved from:; since 1175 when Benjamin Franklin was appointed as the first postmaster general of the United States, the agency known as the United States Postal Service (USPS) has grown to become an institution that delivers about half of the world’s mail in snow, rain, and the dark of the night. Employing about 656,000 workers and 218,684 vehicles, 36,496 total retail and delivery facilities nationwide, 599 processing facilities, 584 million pieces is the average volume per day, and a total work hour of 1,258,025 per year delivering over 200 billion items per year via air and highway.
To many individuals, this is traditionally seen as a bureaucratic problem; however, personally I do not believe that the problem is purely the result of public sector negligence. Like many government services, it is more likely that the answer lies in serious reform rather than complete suspension. Interestingly, I located an article about the nonprofit - National Academy of Public Administration – that suggested a kind of public/private hybrid approach to fix the USPS’s difficulties. The concept entails “farming out” much of the behind the scenes process while a federal letter carrier would still handle front-line delivery services.
Before when automations were nowhere to be seen, people demand USPS to deliver their mails everyday. Sometimes when there is a large package, it might take weeks for the letters to reach their destination. So retailers assist delivering the packages in a more efficient way. In order for the USPS continue to be on
The Post Office Department known as the United States Postal Services (USPS) (Annual Report, 2009) today, is a dominate player in the mail delivery arena and has been existence since 1776. The Post Office was originally a governmental agency, but due to mismanagement by Congress, was reorganized in 1971 and no longer a part of the presidential cabinet; but became an independent establishment of the executive branch of the Government. To date, the USPS maintains a monopoly on the day-to-day delivery of mail but competitors do share the market on some of the other types of deliveries; shares the market on some of the other types of deliveries (i.e. express
If I were the current CEO for the United States Postal Service, I would be gravely concerned about the future of my business, as it has recently taken a steep plummet from its success and popularity in the 19th and 20th centuries. The USPS is now faced with the decision to renovate itself due to the extreme loss of business as technology takes over the 21st Century. Some say that the USPS should be entirely reconstructed because the business is only headed further downhill, while others say that paper mail is still very practical, more so than e-mail, and we must each write more letters to do our part in reviving the business to profitability again. Because the USPS has been such a vital part of our country through
In the US Express Mail industry, the buyers fit into two segments: businesses and individuals. Express Mail has become the industry standard in some industries such as banking, consulting and financial services since the items inside the package had a high ratio of value to weight. Businesses needed to be able to track the packages and be assured that it arrives on time. That being said, businesses were often high-volume buyers since the shipping managers identified which firm to deal with and concentrate the high-volume of shipments to that firm for a particular project or for the time being. Sales representatives from the firms had to negotiate with stingy shipping managers who sometimes demanded the upwards of 50% or more discounts. The existence of many large volume buyers meant that the buyer power is high. Similarly, individuals also held high buyer power since the Big Three and other second-tier postal services offered largely undifferentiated services.
Royal Mail is the largest provider of postal services in the United Kingdom and one of the largest postal service providers in the world. This paper analyzes
The United States Postal Service has existed for more than two centuries. As the people have grown into the new world of digital technology and electronic communication, the USPS continues to become more of a disservice to the American people. The USPS has still used the same rules and principles for more than two centuries, which does not intrigue any more customers. The USPS needs to be reconstructed in order to fit the needs of a changing world. As the world grows and develops into higher levels of thinking and technological advances, the USPS should grow with them, changing to become more useful to American people.
a) Economies of scale—the top three carriers (Federal Express, UPS, and Airborne Express) serve slightly more than 85% of the domestic express mail market. All three carriers deliver a high volume of packages, and thus, are able to spread fixed costs over more units. Also, each carrier has integrated technological systems that improved operational efficiency. In addition, intensive training programs of employees increase service and delivery efficiency.
The goal of The United States Postal Service is to create “a free flow of information between citizens and their governemnt as a cornerstone of freedom, often spoke of a nation bound together by a system of postal roads and post offices.” (Longley 2013) Postal offices are forbidden to open any letters unless it is undelieverbale. The United States Postal Service (USPS) is resposible for providing postal services for the United States to all Americans no matter the geographical location. The United States Postal Service is an independent agency of the United States federal government that was
USPS should consider shifting part of its mail volume to rail. By making this change it has been estimated that USPS could save at least $100 million per year. Additionally, “because of its lesser sensitivity to fuel price increases and greater control of its own infrastructure, rail transportation has major, long-term strategic advantages over highway” (Berman, 2012).
The evolution of the express mail industry had become a quick on-time shipping and delivery of packages. The service had become effective, reliable, and prompt, which most of the top companies could deliver on these guaranteed promises 96-99% of the time. But, delivery services were only a portion of the services being offered to their customers. Carriers had mastered information management that they shared with their customers. Customers were now able to fill out labels, track the route of their package, and assisted in billing using both via carrier provided software or the Internet.
The USPS is at a point where it does not have the financing available to maintain its operations. One reason for the annual net losses is due to the declining rate of first-class mail. The second reason has to do with the required prepayment of $5.5 billion per year toward retirees’ healthcare costs. In order for the USPS to overcome this deficit, they will need to consider their short time frame, government restrictions and labor union backfire in considering the best alternative. One alternative would be to privatize postal services operations which would allow the USPS to change its pricing structure, yet it would potentially significantly reduce market share. A second alternative would be to undergo a system-wide
Manufactures also depended more on the customer, information technology, and the increase in the use of technology in all parts of the economy. Companies such as FedEx, UPS, Airborne Express, and USPS shipped parcels at a faster rate and were more reliable than other rail, motor, and water carriers.