TABLE OF CONTENTS Title page…………………….…………………………………..……………i Certification………………….……………………………………….……….ii Dedication page…………….………………………………………….….…iii Acknowledgement………….…………………………..……………………iv Table of contents……….….……………………………………………...…vi List of tables……………….……………………………………………….….x Abstract …………………………………………………………………….…xi CHAPTER ONE: INTRODUCTION Background to the study…………………………………….………..1 Statement of the problem………….………………………………….5 Research Questions………..……………………..………………..…6 Research Hypotheses…………………………………………….…...7 Purpose of the study……..…………………………………….……...8 Assumption …………………………………….………….…….…...9 Significance of the study ………………………………..……….…...9 Scope and delimitation …show more content…
The study sample population was made up of 177 respondents who were all secondary school students in public secondary schools. Seven research questions were raised out of which four (4) were answered and the other three (3) questions were hypothesised. Consequently, three (3) hypotheses were raised and analysed. The following are the findings of the study based on the data analysed: majority of the respondents do not use audio, audio-visuals and other (including laboratories, laboratory manuals and models) instructional facilities in teaching and learning. However a large percentage uses print materials (such as textbooks, maps, pictures, etc); Majority of the respondents indicated that
In response to the question set, I will go into detail of the study, consisting of the background, main hypotheses, as well the aims, procedure and results gathered from the study; explaining the four research methods chosen to investigate,
On 29 December 2009, an urgent meeting with the managing director, Ms. Irene Tsoi, was held regarding a number of complaints received about our “Cry Baby” doll. Our team was assigned to investigate and prepare a report on findings and follow-up actions suggested. The investigation report is to be submitted by 15 January 2010.
This research makes use of both the primary and secondary data. The primary data for this research is collected with the help of surveys. This particular research makes use of closed ended questions in order to collect primary data. According to Loewy and Guffey (2009), secondary data is the one which is already available and it is accessed through the external materials. The data analysis and interpretation process identifies solution to the research problem. This study makes use of the statistical technique independent sample t test, F test for testing equality of variances and one way ANOVA to test the proposed hypothesis. In this research, descriptive research design makes use of the independent sample t test. Ethics in this study is strictly followed by the researcher and also data is maintained in
Data collected from research already conducted will be analyzed for limitations and to conduct a comparative analysis of the results. The survey completed by classmates will be used to collect
This study will use quantitative methods of research. The major advantage of using quantitative research design is that it is an exceptional method for making conclusions and agreeing or disagreeing to any
The method of inquiry that I have taken for this assignment is both primary and secondary research. I conducted a survey that I distributed among some of the school population on survey
In this chapter the results obtained from the analysis of data collected (previous chapter) are discussed in relation to the aims and objectives of the study. The study attempts to answer the following research questions:
The last section describes in the abstract was about the final outcomes which were proposed on the basis of the research methodology along with future findings.
Notes (summarize the article in your words; this part is not a review or evaluation- simply descriptive and informative ):
The method by which data was collected in this study was through a survey. Twelve schools
This chapter covers the background and rationale, statement of the opportunity, purpose, research questions, nature of the study, definition of key terms, the significance of the study, assumptions, and limitations. It also covers the scope, worldview and theoretical foundation depicting the logical path of the research study.
Technology is seen in many different ways and can help influence the way it is used in a class room. There are both positives and negatives to having technology be used as a way to help increase learning. Technology is an easy way of getting quick information and also finding an easy
The methodology of the research is qualitative hence secondary resources such books, reference materials, on line articles on BI, IT journals on PDF served as the basis of discussion. Five people were also interviewed to solicit their personal views
This essay presents a critique of a peer-reviewed article, Beccue, B., Vila, J., & Whitley, L. (2001). The effects of adding audio instructions to a multimedia computer based training environment, which utilises quantitative research methods. In this research study, the researchers clearly state what the main purpose of the study is, which was “to determine if the addition of an audio component had an effect on the learning and attitudes of the students” (p. 50). In this case, therefore, the principal question under investigation is whether or not incorporation of audio instructions improves the quantity of materials retained within the multimedia laboratory. Additionally, the researchers go deeper to establish if the introduction of the
According to the Educationweek website. (2014) in the article "Technology in Education","schools is The rapid and constant pace of change in technology is creating both opportunities and challenges for schools." There are many uses of technology in the classroom, however, digital tools have provided many interesting ideas by combining technology and prior knowledge. Also, technology has created new ways to teach, learn, and practice at home. Most schools are equipped with computer labs, therefore students are also able to use and implement technology inside the classroom in schools ' facilities and campuses. The idea of incorporating technology in the classroom aids students when doing PowerPoint presentations, using electronic forms of communication, doing homework online, and accessing their grades. For example, at LCI Houston, teachers allow us to use digital devices and computers to look for specific information, read articles, or look for research. Technology is actually useful for us, moreover, it can be used in many ways. Teachers can stimulate visual learners with pictures. Tactile learners can also benefit by having the ability to go up to a smart board and physically answer questions. For learners that can hear something and remember it, audio technology ranges from cd players, speakers, and websites with listening practices for group or individual instruction. Students can also hear