
Tattoos & Piercings in the Workplace Essay

Decent Essays

Tattoos & Piercings in the Workplace
Shelley Hipps
College America

This paper focuses on the subject of whether or not tattoos and piercings should be allowed in the workplace. There are a lot of resources arguing that they should not be allowed, but this research maintains the point that they should be more accepted in the workplace these days. This paper concludes by discussing how tattoos and piercings are much more of an artistic expression rather than a form of rebellion as it was once considered.

Tattoos and piercing have become increasingly more common over the years. Obvious issues within the workplace have surfaced. Some would argue that tattoos and piercings in the workplace are inappropriate, …show more content…

“In some industries, such as software and biotechnology, companies need to attract the most intelligent employees, regardless of what is inked on their skin or dangling from their flesh.” (WONG, 2005) This is a great example because it helps argue my point. A company should be worried about the work that its employee will produce and not worry so much about what is on or in their skin. “The outplacement firm Challenger, Gray & Christmas says employers will be forced to become more accepting of body art. "Some employers are already having trouble finding skilled workers -- they are not going to let some body art get in the way of hiring the best-qualified candidate," said John Challenger, chief executive officer of the Chicago-based firm.” (WONG, 2005)
I understand some companies just want to promote a strictly professional image. Then again, isn’t the most qualified applicant the most professional one or is it just the one that looks the best? Here is another good example of this point, "I would never want to limit our work force based on body art. Our priority, like any industry, is to have the best that we can have." (WONG, 2005) Tattoos today are recognized as totally different than what they were pictured as in the past. “Tattooing is recognized by government agencies as both an art form and a profession and tattoo-related art work is the subject of museum, gallery and educational institution art shows across the United States.” [ (Levins,

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