A company in Singapore can go for strike-off because of different reasons. Such a thing can happen all the time. Companies are constantly registered, while others are close to liquidation: this is the way the business world functions, as some businesses may work and others may not. Many times liquidation is inevitable, but it is important to strike-off a company with minimal procedural requirements.
There is one problem with the liquidation of a firm: the business must be eligible for strike-off, otherwise the procedure is not possible. In order to be eligible, a company must meet the requirements declared by the Accounting and Corporate Regulatory Authority Singapore, also known as ACRA. These are the requirements that must be met:
-the charge register of the company must not contain any outstanding charges.
-any outstanding tax liabilities related to IRAS must not exist.
-there has to be absolutely not debt to government agencies.
-the involved company must have stopped any trading activity.
-no business activity should be started after the incorporation date.
-any court proceeding inside or outside the country is forbidden.
-no current or contingent assets or liabilities should exist for the company.
-a written consent from most shareholders has to be obtained (directors must do it).
-the date of cessation shown in the application is the deadline for drawing up any attached accounts.
A final set of audited accounts has to be sent. The involved firm can begin the
An authorized officer of your S corporation should sign and date the return at the
16. All receipts, payments, transfers of funds, and balances of money held in the trust account for a client must be identified in a separate ledger account within the trust account in the name of that client
- The successor should review previous audits in order to whether problems exist that may impact the successor’s acceptance of the audit. Also, the successor should review previous audits in order to have confidence in the current/past figures presented on the client’s financial
Under audit planning, the auditor decides whether to accept a new client or continue serving an existing one. This determination is
Closed shops is an agreement in which a company agrees to hire only union members.
Elder, A. A., Beasley, M., & Elder, R. J. (2014). Auditing and assurance services (15th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson.
Arens, A. A., Elder, R. J., & Beasley, M. S. (2013). Auditing and Assurance Services. Old Tappan, NJ: Pearson Education.
|Develop Audit programs for the substantive audit procedures for the balance sheet and income statement |35 |
Note: Answer the questions as comprehensively as possible. Reference to Auditing Standards, your textbook, and other relevant authoritative sources is expected where appropriate. Even where some of the questions are quite general, try as much as possible to relate your answer to the case.
Like the majority of legal business trades, the decision to employ an entity for taxes return services must entail a written arrangement between parties engaged. This paperwork includes everything of the assistance provided as well as the conditions they are given and the rates anticipated. Since this report is usually used and provided by the accountant, the business, and its consultant must proceed through and look at it carefully to avoid any problems over time. Should there be any doubtful or unclear procedures, they need to be resolved before anyone indicators the papers.
Prospective audit is an audit performed on services that have not yet been billed, and is designed to reduce liability (Andress, 2009). It is based
A seven-year retention period for audits work papers, second partner review and approval, evaluation of whether internal control structure and procedures include records that accurately reflect transactions and dispositions of
Vouching - The A/P Assistant and General Accountant have the access to vouch invoices for
The purpose of this assignment is to select a step in the accounting cycle that is not currently automated at one of our team members ' organization. The place of business we have selected is an independent financial brokerage firm, LPL Financial. The firm places a strong emphasis on the recruiting of established financial advisors throughout the country. When a financial advisor joins LPL Financial, so does their clients. One of our team member 's works in the transfer department. The transfer department handles the transferring of accounts held at other financial institutions into LPL Financial. The transfer department handles various types of securities including stock, mutual funds, bonds, retirement accounts, and cash. The
At the end of the liquidation, when a trustee or liquidator has released and distributed all the assets, they will arrange a final meeting of creditors. They will send notice of this meeting to all creditors they are aware of, as stipulated in Section 100(2) of the Insolvency Act. At this meeting, the trustee or liquidator will report on what they did during the bankruptcy or liquidation and will give creditors a summary of their receipts and payments. After the