MSc in Logistics & Supply Chain Management
Freight Transport Assessment
SilicaChem Corporation:
Outbound Freight Transport Report
Jia GUO, Bethie
1. Introduction
This short report recommends the best options of serving the Spanish distributor and the North America customer based on information given. Although cost is the main consideration in the analysis, various other criteria such as service level and transport modal features are also examined. In order to deliver a more comprehensive discussion, weaknesses of the recommended modals are listed, which should be carefully evaluated when further information is available.
2. Serving the Spanish distributor
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Another alternative the company could consider is using multiple carriers in intermodal transport. As illustrated in Appendix 1, the quotations of the same route or activity from two carriers can be significantly different. Therefore, it is beneficiary for the company to understand the cost components of carriers and the rationale behind the quotations, in order to grasp the opportunity of better deal and more reliable service (Jennings and Holcomb, 1996).
In terms of transport mode selection, SilicaChem could consider the feasibility of using only road and rail transport in intermodal so as to boost transit speed. However, further information concerning routing and cost are needed for detailed evaluation.
3. Serving the North America customer
3.1 Recommendation
As shown by the calculation in Appendix 2, sea freight is more cost effective than air freight. Based on the assumptions listed in the appendix, sea freight is estimated to have an annual total cost of about £264,000 lower than that of air freight. The main contributor of this difference is shipping cost, as the total annual shipping rate of sea freight is £310,000 cheaper. As a result, although adopting air freight would provide a saving of about £60,000 in inventory holding and warehousing costs, the total cost of sea freight is still substantially lower.
Apart from the cost factors, sea freight would also
Bundling is a term that refers to the process of transportation of goods belonging to various flows in a common vehicle intermodal unit such as truck, train or barge or other segments during part of their journey. As a result, this process is a major business of the transportation sector given that operators occasionally examine their service networks and change their bundling operations. The adjustments made in bundling operations are usually a reaction to changing cost structures, situations, and competition with regards to the requirements of demand and performance. During the adjustments, the operators basically change the bundling type, extent of network concentration, frequency of service, vehicle load, and utilized physical means (Kreutzberger, 2010, p.160). Generally, the major factors for adjustments are changes in flow directions and sizes and the operator’s share in the market.
As cargo costs vary with the freight moved they are calculated as a product of Cargo costs per ton, as stated above, and the capacity for each of the vessels, i.e. for Tashtego 1,43*3950 + 1,43*3150 = 10.153,00 and for the large vessel 1,43*6850 + 1,43*3150 = 14.300,00.
8. Threat of New Entrants: “There are a number of low-cost carriers (LCCs) in the domestic market and the Company competes with LCCs over a very large part of its network.”
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Such new moves by both “gorillas” like companies may sweep the corners of the market described by some industry analysts. For years, the industry set the prices without consideration of distance, which means, a same sized letter from New York to New Jersey has the same cost as if the letter is shipped to California from New York. In 1996, UPS officially moved to distance-based pricing, and Federal Express followed same action in 1997. There is no denying that what actions Airborne take is significant affecting the development of the company, while facing this big change in industry.
Expedient delivery of goods outweighed the cost differential. However, since intermodel transportation pricing is governed by fixed costs, such as terminal expenses, not fuel costs, shipping costs will remain higher in this area. Now, lower fuel costs will further help to increase the use of trucks, rather than rail for transportation. This type of shift has not been seen in the industry since 2010, but it appears the trend will continue for the foreseeable future.
Selecting an exceptional freight company for your specialized freight needs is an important business decision. After all, freight companies can be considered the backbone for any company that relies on logistics for its functioning.
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The intent of this analysis is to compare and contrast the cost structures for rail, motor carriers and air modes of transportation. Implicit in this analysis is the rapid adoption of intermodal transportation which is often optimized to specific logistics and supply chain objectives (Jennings, Holcomb, 1996).
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Solely taking a look at the graph, to accommodate future demand for growth I would recommend ocean transportation to move our products from the new facility in China. As we expect demand to grow by 10 percent annually over the next five years, it will be most beneficial to utilize ocean transportation as projected total costs for air becomes higher than ocean above the trade off point of 1,904,761.9 POUNDS. For example, total projected costs were calculated to be at $587,156 for air versus $630,080 for ocean at the end of 5 years. Extrapolate the graph even further into the future, with the expectation of even more growth,
They result in the following environmental threats like greenhouse effect, acidification, over-fertilization and depletion of the ozone layer.
The transportation and logistics industry is one of the key components of modern life. It provides the framework through which every raw material and finished consumer good is moved through the supply chain into the hands of consumers. This industry is generally taken for granted by consumers. When consumers do think about the industry it is thought of in terms of unchanging and stagnate transportation modes. This vision of the industry is not an accurate reflection of the reality of modern transportation industry. During the last several decades the technological innovations that have changed the face of modern life, have also had far reaching effects on the transportation industry. The pressures driving innovation in the industry