
Priming the Individual or Collective Self

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Previous research efforts have made attempts to show that priming certain cognitive personality traits can impact future behavior or responses. The present research paper will summarize the findings of some of the previous efforts, and will communicate the results of a similar priming exercise. Finally, the current results will be analyzed in order to attempt to support the assertion that priming may affect individual behavior, responses, and perceptions. Triandis (1989) asserts that individuals possess three different aspects of the self: the private self, the public self, and the collective self. Furthermore, Triandis states that individuals will identify themselves in one of these three aspects depending on certain situational …show more content…

An independent samples t test was performed in order to compare the means of the two groups in order to determine if the priming exercise resulted in a significant difference due to the administration of a collective prime or an ideocentric prime. Results The results of the analysis of the Twenty Statements data showed a statistically significant difference between the two groups: t(102) = -2.133, p = .035. In other words, the group that was assigned to read the collective prime answered the Twenty Statements survey with a larger proportion of collective responses than the group that was assigned to read the ideocentric prime. Discussion The result of the present research study supports the hypothesis and provides further evidence that it may possible to affect individual behavior, responses, and perceptions through the use of priming. The result of the t test shows that there is a significant difference between groups that were assigned collective primes and ideocentric primes; this is consistent with previous research efforts that found evidence that priming can affect future behaviors and responses (Srull and Wyer, 1979). It is also important to note that these findings are consistent with Triandis’ (1989) assertion that individuals will display a different aspect of the self depending on certain circumstances. Although Triandis specifically

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