
Participating in the GRE Assessment

Satisfactory Essays
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The GRE test was an interesting one to participate in as it reminded me a of the TABE test that the high schools give towards the end of the senior year. It is basically a test designed to show you and your advisors where you should rank and help with placement in things like employment, post-secondary education and job skills training. On the verbal reasoning assessment I scored a 148 which placed me in the 36% ranking which seemed to be middle of the road. On the Quantitative reasoning assessment I scored a 151 which placed me in the 45% ranking making my total score a 299. One of my greatest areas of weakness on any test or class work is and always will be my math skills. I am able to complete basic math abilities and even some algebra with little effort. However, when dealing with complex numerical problems I flounder and I am not bale to process the information to achieve the correct answer. Going into this assessment I knew my area of weakness and when I started taking the sections that required mathematical skills I knew it would affect my final score. Seeking a degree in applied psychology I understood that there would be some math involved in order to figure some statistical information out. I have been working with some computer programs to help me process this information in order to achieve positive results. The only problem with using this type of software is that if you do not enter the information correctly with the right equation then you are doomed to have

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