The GRE test was an interesting one to participate in as it reminded me a of the TABE test that the high schools give towards the end of the senior year. It is basically a test designed to show you and your advisors where you should rank and help with placement in things like employment, post-secondary education and job skills training. On the verbal reasoning assessment I scored a 148 which placed me in the 36% ranking which seemed to be middle of the road. On the Quantitative reasoning assessment I scored a 151 which placed me in the 45% ranking making my total score a 299. One of my greatest areas of weakness on any test or class work is and always will be my math skills. I am able to complete basic math abilities and even some algebra with little effort. However, when dealing with complex numerical problems I flounder and I am not bale to process the information to achieve the correct answer. Going into this assessment I knew my area of weakness and when I started taking the sections that required mathematical skills I knew it would affect my final score. Seeking a degree in applied psychology I understood that there would be some math involved in order to figure some statistical information out. I have been working with some computer programs to help me process this information in order to achieve positive results. The only problem with using this type of software is that if you do not enter the information correctly with the right equation then you are doomed to have
An A to E assessment is the approach to access a deteriorating and critically I’ll patients, each letter stands for an assessment nurses will undertake A- airway B- breathing C- circulation D- disability and E- exposure (Thim, Krarup, Grove, Rohde, & Lofgren, 2012). This essay will look at disability in the A to E assessment of a critically ill patient which will focus on the Glasgow coma scale. The essay will discuss what is the Glasgow coma scale?, Glasgow coma scale is the most common source in monitoring and assessing the neurological statues of a critically ill patient, despite the fact the Glasgow coma scale has limitations on execution it remains the main standard in comprehensive neurological assessment of patients. It
Using the GCIS skills assessment, I placed my top 5 skills as dependability, integrity, attention to detail, analyzing, and decision making. My top three personality types are Enterprising, Conventional, and Social and Investigative both have the same score. Enterprising I had the highest score of 39, enterprising is being competitive and liking to be in control and lead others. Also being responsible for getting your own work done and supervising others. I feel like enterprising is a great type for me to have, because to get the job I want and to climb in my field it will help to be competitive, also being able to lead others is great so when I have reached the pinnacle of the ladder I will be able to lead my fellow coworkers. Conventional was my second highest type at 33, conventional means I like to keep things in order, I do things careful and the right way, and use clear instructions and rules to do so. Conventional will also help me in my field
My results were nine out of thirty-three my score was average. I answered the questions truthfully, considering I’m a psychology major, but I knew the wrong answers was wrong. I could have answered the incorrect question that way the author of the assessment test, correctly. I didn’t want to cheat my true feelings in order to gain least incorrect answers. I normally don’t seek the approval of others in what I say or do, but I did think I would have gotten least wrong answers. I do agree with my results, I show an average degree of concern for the social desirability. I agree with the fact I conform to social rules and conventions.
Shelby’s overall ability is 106, which is a score that falls into the average range. Her ability to handle tasks across various areas of learning fell within the average and high average range. Due to the variability in her scores a better representation of her true ability would be to focus on her specific abilities. Based on her referral and the given data available Shelby 's abilities should be closely examined to understand why she has been experiencing difficulty with her math skills. In the classroom Shelby performs at the same level if not higher than her classmates. She receives letter grades of 89% to 98% across all subject areas. Shelby needs assistance practicing her Calculus skills and gaining an in-depth understanding of the material. To best accommodate this student her cognitive abilities should not solely be summarized using this data due to significant variability within subsections of the tests.
The purpose of this study is to examine the accuracy of the Classroom Diagnostic Tool (CDT) when predicting student performance on the Algebra Keystone Exam. Two specific research questions guide this study. First, to what extent, if any, does the CDT predict student performance on the Algebra Keystone Exam of those enrolled in a Keystone algebra course? The second research question, to what extent, if any, does the CDT predict student performance in eligible content categories (i.e. numbers and operations,
First of all I will undertake research to determine features of best practice systems of separation /termination and the legal requirements. After that I will consult with relevant managers prior to the introduction of new changes. Than I will develop policies, procedures and supporting documentation for all forms of separation/termination and will ensure procedures for dismissal or termination respect employees, provide strict confidentiality and comply with legislation.
The National Early Childhood Technical Assistance Center (NECTAC) website is an excellent online resource that contains information regarding a national perspective on issues regarding young children ( In their online publication nectac Notes no 27, Danaher, J. states “IDEA offers special provisions for states to identify children younger than school age who are eligible for special education and related services. In addition to the Part B disability categories used for school aged students, states may use Developmental Delay (DD) or a term of their choosing, for ages three through nine or a subset thereof according to their state
My GRE score is not pristine. My analytical writing score is great, my verbal score is good, and my quantitative score is neither. This is due to fact that I haven’t taken a math class in several years. Math used to be my strong suit, but after I developed my medical condition and was unable to attend classes regularly, I lost a lot of that information, and it is hard to get back. I seriously considered retaking the GRE to attempt a better score, but I lack the funds to do so. I believe my grades will speak for themselves. Other than a few B’s, I received straight A’s. For major classes, I only received two B’s. These B’s where due to a hospitalization right before finals week. I went to the hospital with extreme pain, and the E.R. staff believed
Math has not always been the best subject of mine, but because of this I’m not discouraged. My strengths in math are memorization, interpreting tables and graphs, solving equations, factoring, graphing, and solving quadratics. My weaknesses are analyzing complex information in word problems, probability problems, exponents and polynomials, rational expressions, and sequences. Looking back at this list of my strengths and weaknesses, gives me inspiration to understand each of these concepts. Even my strengths could use work. I hope to be able to understand algebra on a college level. My fear is doing poorly on test or quizzes, which would reflect my grade in an unfortunate matter. My goal for this year in college algebra is to be prepared and
Based on the knowledge gained from this course, I believe assessment literacy matters because assessment is about the process of growth. Assessment literacy gets to the heart of education as it is more than just testing and teaching. When educators are assessment literate, they provide transformative opportunities for their students. They enrich their learning environments beyond traditional assessment
Students in eleventh grade are required to take an end of course assessment in social studies. Students take United States History in eleventh grade and are required to pass at least one social studies end of course assessment in order to graduate. The Standards of Learning Blueprint that lays out the structure of the end of course assessment divulges thirteen out of sixty questions on the test are based on the standards related to World War I (Virginia Department of Education, 2009). Being that this portion of the assessment is heavily weighted on the test, it is crucial that students understand concepts, but also master content and connections in regards to World War I. In order to ensure all students are able to grasp content, and make connections, it is crucial to differentiate instruction. According to Tomlinson (2008), differentiation is based upon creating a classroom in which all students are able to reach their full potential, because students work and show mastery in the learning context in which they learn best.
In final analysis, the assessment revealed I have good studying habits and I use fair time management skills while being motivated. I know the importance of learning strategies. I am more comfortable using a computer when taking notes rather than writing everything down. I prefer not to say whether I will be using the same study techniques in college that I used in high school. Even though I like going in public library I will enjoy using The GCU library for research. Additionally, I need to minimize my distraction. I like listening to soft relaxing music because it helps me study. I have to know that chances are better if I minimize my distraction and have complete control of my emotions. Furthermore, I did notice the pattern of understanding
Think about your own experiences with assessment. Describe a NEGATIVE experience with assessment from when you were a k-12 student. Specifically, highlight the REASONS you believe your experience was NEGATIVE based on what you have learned in this course.
The College Level Examination Program (CLEP) is a group of standardized tests created and administered by College Board. Currently, the program awards college credit at over 2,900 U.S. colleges and universities for demonstrating achievement in a subject by means of a computer-based exam. By earning a satisfactory score, you may earn the same amount of credit as a student who successfully completed the same course at that school. All CLEP exams are administered by computer and are an hour and a half long. The exam consists mostly of multiple-choice questions (some exams have fill-in-the-blank questions), except for English Composition with Essay and College Composition.
This particular performance assessment component is based on six year 10 Mathematics lessons, which were taught during my second teaching practicum at William Ross State High School. An extensive range of data was collected and used to facilitate the pedagogical approaches used in each of the six lessons.