
Operations Management

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This assignment will define operations management and explore the various bodies of knowledge and practices that have led to operations management as it is currently known today. Additionally, this paper will focus on topic areas such as supply chain management, total quality management (TQM), reengineering, theory of constraints (TOC), Alfred P. Sloan’s contributions to TQM, JIT, and reengineering in relation to Sloan’s organizational success, and Toyota’s production system, also known as Just in Time (JIT). …show more content…

73). As a result, companies that must share a great deal of proprietary information with its supply partners may be reluctant to fully embrace supply chain management


because of the risk that its trade secrets may be compromised by its partners. Total Quality Management Total Quality Management (TQM) is a process that seeks to continually re-examine the requirements of its customers and provide a policy of continuous improvement to its products and services (Morris & Oakland, 2002, p. 11). TQM is similar in many ways to supply chain management in that it relies on suppliers to provide goods and services as part of a supply chain. However, TQM strives to improve the quality of its products and services at every step between its customer and supplier. In like manner, the customer and supplier chains, internal as well as external, are the basis of the TQM model (Morris & Oakland, 2002, p. 11). In turn, these chains must be supported by communication, commitment, and the culture within the company. Another similarity of TQM and supply chain management is that the quality of its products and services is ultimately judged by

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