Medication Sheet Medication/Dose/RouteClassificationGeneric/Trade Name | Action | ContraindicationAdverse Effects | Nursing Considerations | Acetaminophen/500mg/ By MouthAntipyretic& Analgesic (nonopioid)Acetaminophen/TylenolCarvedilol/6.25mg/By MouthAlpha- and beta-adrenergic blocker & AntihypertensiveCarvedilol/CoregDocusate Sodium/100mg/By MouthLaxative stool softenersDocusate Sodium/ColaceFurosemide/40mg/By MouthLoop diureticsFurosemide/Lasix | Reduces fever by acting directly on the hypothalamic heat-regulating center to cause vasodilation and sweating, which helps dissipate heat.Carvedilol causes vasodilation by blocking the activity of α-blockers, mainly at alpha-1 receptors. It exerts antihypertensive effect partly by …show more content… recommends enquiry into: diet and lifestyle; duration of constipation and whether it is acute or chronic; all medications taken, whether prescribed over the counter or recreational; associated symptoms such as bleeding from the rectum, abdominal pain, vomiting. Implementation: Oral preparations of Colace should be administered on an empty stomach at least one hour apart from other medications, meals, milk and antacids. It may be given in juice to prevent possible throat irritation. Six to eight ounces or 180-240 ml of water should be taken with oral preparations. When administering rectal preparations, beware of forcing past impacted feces. Discontinue the medication at the first sign of nausea and vomiting, abdominal cramps or rectal bleeding. Assess fluid status. Monitor daily weight, intake and output ratios, amount and location of edema, lung sounds, skin turgor, and mucous membranes. Notify health care professional if thirst, dry mouth, lethargy, weakness, hypotension, or oliguria occurs. Monitor BP and pulse before and during administration. Monitor frequency of prescription refills to determine compliance in patients
Include hydrochlorothiazide 25 mg daily, Norvasc 5 mg daily, lisinopril 10 mg half tablet daily, aspirin half of the 325 mg daily, a multivitamin, labetalol 100 mg twice daily.
Citalopram HBR 20mg (1x daily), Clonazipam 2mg (1x daily), albuterol (as needed), Ventolin (as needed), ondonsetronorally disintegrating tablet 8mg (as needed), ibuprofen 800mg ( as needed), Benadryl 25mg ( as needed) fluticasone propronate 50mg 1 daily.
A baby was just born at 26 weeks gestation. Just over half the normal 40 weeks a baby should stay inside the mother. The baby is immediately whisked away and taken to be evaluated and prepared for a long journey ahead. Ever since I could remember babies and the nursery at the hospital have fascinated me. Whenever we would go visit a friend who had a baby, I would find myself peaking over the windows into the nursery. I have known for a while that working in the neonatal intensive care unit is what I want to pursue. Recently I have been looking into nurse practitioners and furthering my education beyond my BSN. Being able to care for these infants in the most critical stages of their life, and being able to provide them the support they need to survive outside the womb seems so satisfying . Neonatal nurse practitioners have years of education, deep history, detailed job description, high demands and some legal issues.
Upon completion of the Family Nurse Practitioner (FNP) program at Indiana State University I hope to continue to work in or near my hometown, which is in a rural area. I truly enjoy serving my community as a nurse and believe it will be even more rewarding to do so as a FNP. I currently work in a physician’s family practice clinic at this time and would like to work in a similar setting upon graduation. While working in primary care, FNPs gain the opportunity to care for numerous diseases and conditions. Furthermore, I enjoy the privilege of caring for patients across the lifespan on a daily basis. I do not plan to initially become a Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP); however, I may pursue the degree in the future. I would like to start by taking
A good protocol is created from evidence-based medical practices agreed on by medical staff involved in anticoagulation therapy (i.e., all stakeholders) and addresses key decision points and respective courses of action integrated with the clinical judgment and experience of the practitioner.
P.R. is a 34 year-old male from Guatemala who went to a lake for cliff diving. He dove off of a cliff 20 feet from the water, hitting a rock, and fractured his neck at C6. This left P.R. as an incomplete quadriplegic, with partial gross movement of his upper arms. P.R. is able to move his shoulders to slightly lift his arms, but has no movements in his legs or the trunk. P.R. requires total assistance for all activities of daily living, and is incontinent of both bowel and bladder function. He speaks primarily Spanish and cannot communicate in English. He is verbally abusive and becomes combative with care givers. He does not have family support in America and is having difficulty adapting to American foods. P.R. has
Healthcare in the United States in the 1950’s and 1960’s experienced an upheaval with the expanded availability of the Medicare and Medicaid programs and the increased specialization of medicine. The shortage in providing health care coverage to low-income women, children, the elderly, and people with disabilities gave clinically experienced nurses the opportunity to fill the primary care void. This was accomplished with the introduction of the first Nurse Practitioner program. The NP program was co-created in 1965 by a nurse educator, Loretta Ford, EdD, RN, PNP, and a physician, Henry Silver, MD, at the University of Colorado as a non-degree
Prior to this assignment, I had very little insight to what gatekeeping, state certificate of need programs, and Medicare PPS meant and how they affected lowering health care costs and spending. Thank you for sharing your perceptions and opinions on the regulations that’s were established within each of these laws. As a nurse who worked in a hospital, I remember having monthly educational meetings regarding length of stay, reimbursement and health care costs and spending. At that time, I felt the information seemed tedious and irrelevant to my role as a registered nurse. As a future family nurse practitioner, I can now appreciate the information and education I have gained from both my profession the assignments within this course.
The profession of nursing, similar to healthcare, is undergoing massive changes. The profession is becoming increasingly complex because patient care is steadily moving out of hospitals into primary and outpatient care settings. Since scores of years, the role of primary care registered nurses has evolved from bedside caregivers to specialized members of an interdisciplinary medical team. Accordingly, come up with a relevant resume
As the years go by, the nursing field is expanding. Different types of nurses are being needed for a variety of jobs in the nursing field. This field of work is especially one of the most important because the world will always need nurses. Although the nursing field is very competitive to get into, the need for nurses increases rapidly as time goes on. A CRNA, Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist, is one of the most popular fields being practiced. A Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist is a step further than a Registered Nurse. Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetists are advanced nurses that specialize in anesthesia. CRNA’s provide anesthesia care for millions of patients in the United States of America. Anesthesia is a form of medicine that puts a person that is undergoing surgery to sleep while also numbing the pain. There are many steps in the process to becoming a CRNA, it is a very serious field, therefore it requires more experience and training.
As a nursing a student, my ultimatum is not to make the most money as possible, it is to obtain the most knowledge as possible. Indeed, nursing school introduced me to a new side of learning and studying, and at often time were quite difficult. Reflectively thinking, it opened a new way of thinking for me. At this point, I have successfully passed my first semester of nursing school, and have accepted the gratitude that I am capable of anything I put my mind to. In other words, my long terms became my short terms. Beginning of nursing school, I limited my goals to successfully passing my classes and becoming a Registered Nurse as my ultimate goal. Now, my short-term goal includes joining the United States Air Force as a 2nd lieutenant, titled Registered Nurse. While my short-term goals may seem intriguing, I feel as if I should utilize my opportunities and advantages even more. Being said that, as a 2nd lieutenant or any progressing rank, I plan to future my education and purse to become a Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist.
Growing up my family had little to no money. My parents, immigrants from El Salvador, worked two jobs each. Home was a small space with a conjoined kitchen and living room. When Mom and Dad first arrived to America, they never imagined a child of theirs would become a university student. Coming to America itself was in their wildest dreams. To them, an education of that level was unattainable. Now, I represent my family wherever I go. I am at TWU for my family and for my dreams. One day, I will be the Nurse Practitioner I always envisioned. But more importantly, I will give my parents and my grandmother everything they never had. Now that I am older I comprehend the magnitude of their sacrifices. When I hear the name Texas Woman’s University,
Interviewing Reyes, Teresita a Registered Nurse, I learned how the decision that she will made together with her team, can affect the lives of so many people, regular people just like you and I. having to take a decision of closing a public place where general public benefits from it, a hospital, is a huge responsibility. However, if Reyes and her team are not careful about their decision, the lives of so many people can be at risk. I’ve learned how a process called “Survey” is a multistep guide that Reyes and her team are used to it, doing this mostly 30 times a year, they have already remember every single step of it. On the other hand, Reyes and her team are the most feared and somehow hated in the medical setting, this is because they have to make sure everyone of them are following the rules and guidelines established by the federal government.
Throughout the twentieth century, several critical factors had facilitated the emergence and development of four distinct roles in advanced nursing practice. Joined forces of medicine and nursing leadership have attempted to address health care crises by creating expanded roles for nurses (Asubonteng, McCleary, & Munchus, 1995, p. 3). Striving to eliminate the disparity, fragmentation, and sub-optimal care, nursing academia sought to prepare future nursing workforce, who would be able to work in “an autonomous and collegial way with physicians” to improve the quality and accessibility of health care (Stanley, 2011, p. 20). Ongoing changes in the delivery of health care, such as
I have struggled with finding an interesting article for this third paper, I was initially looking for an article about scope of practice that interested me and was long enough to write a response to it, none of the articles fit both of those qualifications. After much creative searching I stumbled on an interesting article, that looked at LPN’s who went on for further education to get their registered nurse and their BSN’s. It addressed more of a social aspect of the change in scope and title as evident by the title of the article ‘RN means Real Nurse”: perceptions of being a “real” nurse in a post-lpn-bn bridge program. 1.“ The term real nurse still tends to surface repeatedly in the literature and media (Bassett, 2002; Howett & Evans,