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Medication Sheet Medication/Dose/RouteClassificationGeneric/Trade Name | Action | ContraindicationAdverse Effects | Nursing Considerations | Acetaminophen/500mg/ By MouthAntipyretic& Analgesic (nonopioid)Acetaminophen/TylenolCarvedilol/6.25mg/By MouthAlpha- and beta-adrenergic blocker & AntihypertensiveCarvedilol/CoregDocusate Sodium/100mg/By MouthLaxative stool softenersDocusate Sodium/ColaceFurosemide/40mg/By MouthLoop diureticsFurosemide/Lasix | Reduces fever by acting directly on the hypothalamic heat-regulating center to cause vasodilation and sweating, which helps dissipate heat.Carvedilol causes vasodilation by blocking the activity of α-blockers, mainly at alpha-1 receptors. It exerts antihypertensive effect partly by …show more content… recommends enquiry into: diet and lifestyle; duration of constipation and whether it is acute or chronic; all medications taken, whether prescribed over the counter or recreational; associated symptoms such as bleeding from the rectum, abdominal pain, vomiting. Implementation: Oral preparations of Colace should be administered on an empty stomach at least one hour apart from other medications, meals, milk and antacids. It may be given in juice to prevent possible throat irritation. Six to eight ounces or 180-240 ml of water should be taken with oral preparations. When administering rectal preparations, beware of forcing past impacted feces. Discontinue the medication at the first sign of nausea and vomiting, abdominal cramps or rectal bleeding. Assess fluid status. Monitor daily weight, intake and output ratios, amount and location of edema, lung sounds, skin turgor, and mucous membranes. Notify health care professional if thirst, dry mouth, lethargy, weakness, hypotension, or oliguria occurs. Monitor BP and pulse before and during administration. Monitor frequency of prescription refills to determine compliance in patients

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