
Major Issues and Consequences of the Earthquake in Japan

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Abstract This paper identifies and analyzes the major issues and consequences which the most recent earthquake in Japan brought to the business community. It presents some courses of actions and their justifications on how the company should proceed in its industry in order to eliminate or at least minimize the negative impacts of this earthquake on its normal business operations. Executive Summary Earthquakes and tsunamis impact each and every aspect of normal life and routine functioning of individuals and business organizations respectively. In addition to a large number of human fatalities and injuries, these natural disasters cause heavy financial losses and huge damages to the physical properties. This paper identifies and analyzes the impacts and consequences which the most recent earthquake in Japan brought to its business organizations in the short and long run. The paper starts with a brief introduction to the case along with an overview of how earthquakes are bad for businesses. The first part of the paper presents issues and consequences which Rio Tinto-Japan faced soon after the earthquake hit the Japanese land and the current difficulties which it has been facing as after-effects of this huge natural disaster. Rio Tinto-Japan took huge negative impacts from this earthquake and the subsequent tsunami on its property, buildings, and plants, telecommunication infrastructure, human capital, informational resources, and others. The company also had to bear

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