Abstract This paper identifies and analyzes the major issues and consequences which the most recent earthquake in Japan brought to the business community. It presents some courses of actions and their justifications on how the company should proceed in its industry in order to eliminate or at least minimize the negative impacts of this earthquake on its normal business operations. Executive Summary Earthquakes and tsunamis impact each and every aspect of normal life and routine functioning of individuals and business organizations respectively. In addition to a large number of human fatalities and injuries, these natural disasters cause heavy financial losses and huge damages to the physical properties. This paper identifies and analyzes the impacts and consequences which the most recent earthquake in Japan brought to its business organizations in the short and long run. The paper starts with a brief introduction to the case along with an overview of how earthquakes are bad for businesses. The first part of the paper presents issues and consequences which Rio Tinto-Japan faced soon after the earthquake hit the Japanese land and the current difficulties which it has been facing as after-effects of this huge natural disaster. Rio Tinto-Japan took huge negative impacts from this earthquake and the subsequent tsunami on its property, buildings, and plants, telecommunication infrastructure, human capital, informational resources, and others. The company also had to bear
Imagine if you had to restart your life, new shelter, new job, new lifestyle. Well locals or people in the Philippines had to restart their life when an earthquake with an magnitude of 7.1 hit the country and destroyed people’s lives. The earthquake had a devastating 7.1 magnitude. The earthquake hit the Philippines on October 15th, 2013. The likely culprit of the earthquake was the East Bohol Fault because the two tectonic plates were sliding against each other and the creates an earthquake. Sadly, earthquake killed more than 90 people. Ports, schools, and airports were damaged. A hospital collapsed then that lead to a killing of 18 people. Children were also injured at sports complexes because people rushed the exits when the the ground started to shake. Lastly, 5 people were killed in a landslide that was triggered from the earthquake. What really matters though is how people respond to the
On the 17th of January 1995, a great earthquake struck the Japanese city of Kobe at 5:40 am. Over 80% of the quake victims died together with Mrs Endo, her husband, however, did not! There are numerous reasons why, the aim of this essay is to explain them to you.
Have you ever been in a deadly earthquake? In 2013, the people of the Philippines experienced one. A 7.1 magnitude earthquake that affected around 43,000 people with 2,211 aftershocks that ended up killing a total of 185 people. Earthquakes are known as one of the most dangerous natural disasters. This horrific event happened October 15th, 2013. The earthquake hit hardest in the central Philippines, it was reported to be caused by the East Bohol Fault. People act in a response to a natural disaster by gathering resources, spreading word, and government aid.
At least 25 aftershocks had occurred by January 24th measuring 4.5 on the righter scale.
In the 1900s, Japan faced a lot of economic obstacles. Due to its location on four moving tectonic plates, Japan experiences earthquakes more often than most other countries, Banks, at the time, struggled to keep economic activity stable after earthquakes and even attempted to regulate the flow by granting companies the ability to sell their products without having a drastic change in price. Following the discussion of earthquake bills and such, news was brought to the attention of the Japanese government that a bank in Tokyo had finally gone bankrupt. This sent many into a frenzy trying to get a hold of their money from banks, and in turn, many banks closed. However, this Japanese bank was indeed, not bankrupt, it was only struggling,
Trading over sea allows Japan to connect with other nations, therefore allowing cultural diffusion. Although Japan has the sea as an advantage, Japan has less than 12% arable land. This impacts the Japanese’s lifestyle due to the sea being a main source of food and goods. Japan has other disadvantages as well, natural disasters being another. Earthquakes, in addition to typhoons, are accompanied by damages affecting Japan’s economy, development, and social life.
Natural disasters are a huge challenge for the planet because of the adverse effects that are associated with them. One of the major earthquakes to have shaken the earth is the Great Sendai Earthquake or Great Tōhoku Earthquake that occurred in 2011. The event started when a powerful earthquake hit the northeastern Japan on March 11, 2011, and resulted in a widespread damage on land. A series of massive tsunamis later devastated many parts of the coastal regions of the country with the worst affected being the Tohoku region. The tsunami further resulted in a major nuclear accident that damaged distant regions on a power station located along the coast. The economic effects of the tsunami qualify it as one of the major natural disasters because it affected Japan’s economic stability as the country ended up resorting to importing as an alternative to cover the loss.
Earthquakes have afflicted the world since its inception. The sudden release of energy from volcanoes or displacing of earth plates can result in disasters of extreme magnitude. These usually naturally occurring phenomenon have been responsible from wiping out entire towns throughout history and until today continue to produce major loss of life and infrastructure. It can take years for a city or country to recover from a major event of this kind and when a third world country is involved, the result is usually exponentially worse than in a developed country. In the past decades Japan, Chile and Haiti have suffered the devastation an earthquake produces. This document will concentrate in Haiti, a small country in the Caribbean. On
According to the records of earthquake intensity, this is the strongest earthquake occurred in Japan and one of the most powerful earthquakes in the world ( ). When the Pacific land crashed down and the North American land slide up, the resulting of landslide and outburst of the bottom turn to create earthquake in the Pacific Ocean, and it was the biggest impact in 1200 years. Furthermore, the earthquake occurred from 130 kilometer east of the city of Honshu, Japan on March 11, 2011, and the main shock lasted for 40 minutes. The earthquake created magnitude scale to 9.0 Mw, and 165-foot movement occurred to the seafloor during the earthquake ( ). Moreover, at that time, most city of Japanese affected by that earthquake, and a nuclear power industry is one of the victims which was crashed by the earthquake. Because of that, it release of radiation to large area not only in Japan but also get oversea to another country such as China, Viet
Professor Matthew Feely is an adjunct professor at the Columbia business school and a former navy officer of the logistic center at the US Navy. In this lecture, he talks about the decision-making process as an officer in regard to the 2011 Japan’s earthquake.
On March 11th, 2011 Northeastern Japan was hit with a magnitude 9 earthquake, which led to a tsunami (Oskin, 2015). Two disasters struck Japan and made an impact globally. An estimate of 230,000 homes were destroyed, leaving individuals without shelter, food, or clothes (Oskin, 2015). The disasters kept growing once officials realized the tsunami had taken a nuclear power plan, leaving the area with a level seven nuclear meltdown and radioactive water (Oskin, 2015). Japan is still recovering from the disasters and debris and toxins are being found washed up on shore all around the world (Oskin, 2015).
Today in Japan, a reinvention is necessary. There are many struggles with the young generation, the old generation, and catastrophic events which should be addressed. Specifically, the Japanese economy has been experiencing deflation for the past twenty years. In an article, the results of the deflation were described. The authors said, “Because of fewer available jobs and lower
In 1945, Japan was devastated and lost a quarter of the national wealth after suffering a defect in the second world war. A majority of the commercial buildings and accommodation had been demolished, and massive machinery and equipment formerly used in production for the civil market were out of service to provide metal for military supplies (Miyazaki 1967). Despite the trash and ruins had left over in Japan, Japan was able to rebuilding its infrastructure and reconstruct their economy. It is revealed that the Japanese economy was on its way to recovery, which received a rapid development since the war, and the reconstruction of Japan had spent less than forty years to become the world’s second largest economy in the 1980s. This essay will explore the three factors account for the economic growth of post-war Japan: the financial assistance from the United States, the external environment, and the effective policy of Japanese government.
A triad of earthquakes has unexpectedly shaken the area of the notorious ring of fire much to the horror of Ecuadorian and Japanese citizens suffering from their unfortunate consequences. This was put into perspective by an early Sunday morning television program on the American Broadcasting Company (ABC), This Week, displayed a live segment on April 18, 2016, that presented a breakdown on the recent earthquakes that hit Equator and Japan in the past few days. Equator was granted a closer look seeing as it was challenged by an severe 7.8 magnitude earthquake which left over three hundred and fifty dead and thousands more wounded from it massive destruction which has a tendency to rise even further with the passage of time. Another similar incident occurred twice in Japan which left it even more problematic to retrieve other survivor under insecure wreckages that offer only a risk in collapsing to the ground. It is undesirable actuality for the west coast of the United States as it will be more than likely confronted by an earthquake owing to its connection as part of the on the volatile ring of fire. Ultimately, these nations’ death toll is threatening to rise even more which is definitely much of a concerning subject matter for numerous individuals like me.
In March of 2011, a magnitude 9 earthquake hit Japan, releasing a dangerous tsunami. Japan was not expecting the magnitude of the earthquake and tsunami, and endured much hardship after the disaster. The effects of the tsunami can still be seen in Japan today through its residents, economy, and through actions that have been taken to further protect residents from future disasters. Though the Japan 2011 tsunami is one of the most destructive tsunamis ever recorded, dangerous tsunamis continue to take place across the globe. The Japan 2011 tsunami not only affected the inhabitants of Japan, but also affected people around the world. After disasters such as this, each area must endure the aftermath of the disaster and recover from the effects.